Saturday, May 07, 2005

vEry l0nG nEva visiT mY dEareSt bl0g lE.s0 bUsy. s0 sTrEsseD. s0 c0nfUsed. 0H mY g0d....wAd's hAppEninG???!!

lasT lAst wEdneSdAy 27thApril wEnt 0ut wiTh eIleEN liSi aNd tHeir fRiend. aTe t0W hUay, diMsUm, pizzA aNd r0ti b0y. wEnt kEluN's h0usE t0 wAtCh dVd. s0 fUn. liHuI j0iNeD uS dUrinG diMsUm. eNj0yEd tHat dAy. neXt dAy vBall b0yS sEmi-fNals. tHey w0n aJc 3-2 aNd g0t iNt0 finAls. fElt s0 hAppy f0r tHem. bUt sAd f0r mY tEam. wAdsmoRe JJ g0t iNt0 finAls.

fRidAy p0n sCh. tHurSdAy niTe wAs mSginG zZ aNd sHe sAe sHe wiLL g0 sCh tHe neXt dAY tH0uGh sHe sAd. dEn m0rNing cAme. Zz's mSg thAt shE ovErslEpt aNd wAs aT h0mE. s0 cUte~wH0lE dAy wAs spEnt cHattiNg wiTh hEr, d0inG s0mE hMwk aNd hElp mY mUm wiTh gR0cEry. h0w niCe t0 bE aT h0mE 0n a fRidAY. plUs lab0uR dAY 0n m0nDay, i rEstEd f0r 4 dAys iN a r0w. m0ndAy wEnt tRng dEn aTe aT tHai eXpRess. iN tHe eNd wEnt aiRp0rT t0 sTudY wiTh r0n, cH00nfU, iSabElla, aGatHa aNd wAntinG.

tHe rEst 0f tHe wEek wAs tErribLe. dUrinG leSs0ns i wAs liKe hUh hErE hUh tHere. i nEva d0 ec0nS hMwk, cHem hMwk, physiCs hMwk. i wAs t0tally liKe a bLur s0t0nG. g0t bAck ec0ns tEst wHich i c0pied fr0m tHe n0teS duRing tHe tEst dE, i fAileD 9/25. tHursDay cHem tEst, fRidAY physiCs tEst. g0inG t0 d0 bAdLy f0r b0tH.

fridAy aFter phYsics mAkeup m0cK sPa, wEnt t0 wATch m0viE "h0usE 0f WAX" witH isAbElla, aGatha, wAnting, shAr0n, qiaoyi, yEnlinG, r0n, ch00nfU aNd bEnjamiN. tHe st0ry ploT wAs nicE aNd tHe picTuRes aNd aCti0n aNd bl00d Was eVen nicER. s0 c00l. tHe bl00d aLL fl0w liKe tAp wAtEr dE. n0t vEry sCaRy f0r mE. bUt i wAs scAred bY yEnliNg. sHe wAs sittinG bEsidE mE. hEr sCrEAms wEre tErrible. n0 w0nDer n0b0dY dArEs t0 siT witH hEr. i alm0st bEc0mE dEaf. tHat wAs still 0K uNtil hAlfwAy i l0wEr mY hEad aNd l00k d0Wn aT mY leG. i sAw a heAd in fR0nT 0f mE. iT wAs yEnliNg's hEad. sHe wAs lEaning t0wArds mE. dEn iT g0t w0rSe. sHe sUddEnly h0ld mY hAnd. sCare tHe hEll 0uT 0f mE. i fAstEr sHake hEr hAnd 0ff. tHink sHe cAn 0nlI wAtch sCarY m0viE wiTh hEr b0YfriEnd. aFtEr m0viE wEnt t0 eat l0ng j0hNs. dEn sh0p dEn wEnt h0mE. sit bUs 8 witH sCary yEnling. tHe buS wAs rEally fAstEr dEn tHE rESt. reAcH h0mE in aB0ut 40 mins.

t0dAy dEcidEd n0t t0 g0 tRng. wEnt 0uT t0 bUy tHinGs dEn bAckEd h0mE t0 d0 hmwk. didn't d0 muCh.

ineFficient syStem 0f mE.

aCtually i dUn fEel liKe g0iNg tAiwAn lE. c0z 0f s0mE pr0bleMs. s0methiNg hAppeNeD aNd maDe mE cHangE mY minD aB0ut g0inG t0 tAiwAn. jUz n0W mY fAtHer cAme bAck aNd hE sAid s0mEthing wHich wAs fUnny 0nlY pHysicAlly. i lAugHed bUt dEep d0Wn iN mY hEart i fElt it, i kn0w h0w hE fEels. rEally cAn't fiNd aNy w0Rds t0 dEscriBe mY fEeliNgs n0w..........

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