Sunday, June 27, 2004

t0daE laSt dAy 0f h0lidAy lE...dUn tHink i g0inG t0 d0 aNym0rE hMwk...muX enj0Y tHe lAsT biT 0f h0liDay...juX n0w paCk mY baG aNd i f0uNf al0t 0f rUbbiSh....hmmMM...luCky n0 aNts..dEn i diD mY cHinEsE (sUi bi)...i wr0tE aBt tHe clAss 0utiNg...n0t g00d in eXprEssinG in cHineSe..s0 wriTe 0nlY 3 pArAgrApHs..n0t bAd lE laHx..buT stiLL neeD t0 wriTe 0nE m0rE leHx...dUnn0 wAd t0 wRiTe lE..s0 i kEEp tHe b00k bAck iNt0 mY BAG....dUn0 wHy i pUt s0 muCh cRap in mY BAG...bUt tt'S juX tHe cRap u hAf t0 bRinG t0 sCh s0 i juX pUt iT iN mY BAG..<---tHe sEntEnCe s0mEh0w rHymEs...tMl hAf t0 bRinG tHrEE hEavY tExtb00ks...siAn ahx...

aNd u kn0w wAd???...mY gE0 tEachEr cHange t0 lAi hAn biG fCuKinG piEcE 0f sHit...dUn0 wHy tHe E.gE0 tEacHerS iN 0ur sCh00l sUx 0ne...dEn s0ciAl sTudiEs bEc0me 2 peRi0ds 0nlY...eVeRywEEk i suRe hAf t0 sTay bAck f0r aT leAst 3 dAys f0r tUt0riAl dE...i s0 kE liAn ^_^'|...

aNd i jUx cHanGe tHe s0nG cD iN mY diSkmAn t0 liN jUn jIe's s0nGs...dEciDeD t0 g0 f0r muSiC tT wiLL mAke mE fResH...hahA..i 0s0 cHanGe mY pEnciL cAsE lE...g0t "sp0nGe b0b sQuARe pAnTs" kEyChAin haNginG tHeRe 0nE...aCtuAllY i n0 m0nEy le...tHe peNciL cAsE is b0uGht aT tHe 'pAsA mAlaM' 0nE...cHeAp 0nE lAhx..haHa..juX f0unD it CutE s0 bUy l0Rx...sTiLL 0We cHeR $6 aNd j0Anne $12.70...sHlD bE bA...tHiNk i pAyiNg tHem tMl...lEt's h0pE i rEmEmbEr...i fiNd mYsElf bEc0miNg m0re aNd m0Re spEndtHriFt...l0lx...nU rEn dE BeN xiNg....

yEsTerdAy wEnT d0Wn t0 sEe wAd t0 bUy f0R diNnER aNd gUeSs wh0 i sAw????....ru0ci l0rx...hAha..sHe juX finiSh waTcHinG tHe SEA vBallX c0mpEtiti0n...siNgAp0Re g0t sEc0nD...n0t bAd w0RzZ..i wAlk iNt0 tHe bUilDinG dEn kiAm, zHiy0ng aNd an0tHeR guY wAlk 0ut...diDn't rEalli n0tiCe lAhx..bUt ru0ci t0lD mE zHiy0nG wEaiNg rEfErEe`T...i onLy sAw kiAm stAriNg aT mE liKe i aliEn liDdaT...dia0ooo00...haHa..dUn rEalLi fEel liKe eAtinG s0 in tHe eNd b0uGht a cUp oF s0yA bEan miLk...dEn wEnt h0me...

n0w liSteNiNg t0 zHanG fEnG qi's (dEng Dai W0 dE Ai)...n0t bAd..hahA...tHe tiTtlE rEpReSenTs wAd i aM d0inG...l0lx...i wAn 0u dE yAng's s0nGs!!!...vEry niCe lEhx..hIs s0nGs s0 r0mAntIc lidDat...tHe mTv sh0wN 0n tHe aDveRtiSemEnt vEry niCE...bUt ppLe sAe tHe aCtUal cD dUn hAf mTv dE...s0 dEciDeD t0 b0Rr0w 0u dE yAng's cD aNd c0pY cAn lE...hAha...sAvE m0nEy...i s0 bR0kE n0w...m0nEy n0t en0uGh...

hMmMMmmmm...h0pE tMl wiLL bE a g00d sTaRt...bYe h0liDays...i miSs h0lidAys................................bUt g0 sCh00l cAn sEe pPlE...s0 sTiLl n0t s0 bAd...mUx lEarN t0 l00k 0n tHe bRigHt siDe 0f eVeRytHinG....hAhAhahaHaHa... ;pPpPpp

aNywAy tHis iS ouR clAss bl0G--->iNtEgRitY

Friday, June 25, 2004

gUeSS wAd ?!?!..i nEva g0 cHinEsE rEmediAl t0daE...lAst niTe c0uGh liKe mAd...diDn't sLeeP pr0pErlY...m0rNinG wAkE uP dEciDed n0t t0 g0 sCh lE...i 0Ff mY aLaRm aNd wEnt bAck t0 mY dReamX...diD 5 nEwSpaPeR aRtiCle t0dAe...nTh muCh lAh..liFe's so boRing...l0lx..

f0rg0t t0 meNti0n tHiS h0lidAy 0s0 g0t clAss 0utiNg t0 sEnt0sA...tAn tiLL mY skiN dRy uP lE...bUt i vEry haPpy...bEc0Z 0f s0mE0nE...l0lx..cAnn0t sAy nAme lAhx...tH0uGh uNdEr tHe sEawAtEr iS mEanT t0 bE sAlTy buT i tAstEd sWeEtnEsS iN iT...hAhA...dUn aSk mE wHy...tT's jUx mY fEeliNgz...dEn aT tHe bEaCh wE wEnt cAn0eiNg`sWiMmiNg`plAy bAll iN tHe WaTer`plaY bEaCh vBall*`...ntH mUcH le...tHiNk iS juX liddAt l0rx...bUt s0mE 0tHer plAy cArdS aT tHe bEacH...diAo00oo...i tHiNk iTs fUn lAhx..c0Z g0T mY rEas0nS..hAHa.. ;)

aNd tHe eUr0cUp...eNglAnD oUt lE...s0 sAd h0rX...haHA...gErmAnY 0Ut eVeN eArliEr...mY olivEr kAhn...s0 sAd...h0w??...tHinK a fEw dAyS aG0..wAtCh tHe nEws..tHe iTalY s0 sAd leHx..i wAnTed t0 cRy f0r tHem mAnx...tHey s0 piNg le sTill l0sE...hAix...s0mE tHinGs aRe juX fAtEd...u cAn't cHangE tHem..jUx liKe "v0llEybAll y0utH cUp 2004 (16&uNdeR) sEmiFinAls" cCh vS sMb...iTs jUx mEant t0 bE liddAt...

wAds wr0nG wiTh mE...tHinK tHe dAy bEf0Re i HaD tHis tErRibLe dReaM...i dReaMt tHaT i dUg 0ut mY fRiEnD's sKelEt0n...tHe imAgE iN tHe dReaM wAs juX s0 h0RriBle...i wAkE uP aNd alm0sT cRieD 0ut...fAnCy dReaMinG s0mEtHiNg lidDaT 0f mY g00d fRiEnD...aNewAy iTs 0nE 0f tHe vBallErx...eRrrRrzz...wAd tHe hEll mAnx...sCaRed mE 0uT...

tiLL n0w i aM sTill tHiNkiNg wHeThEr tHe dReaM mEan s0mEthiNg..................

WISH:'i wish that i w0n't have anym0re nightmares t0night' :)

hEll0!! i Kn0w aL0t 0f ppLe miSS me..i fiNallY maNaGeD t0 CraWl t0 tHe bl0g...n0t bAd aHx...i CraWl qUiTe fAst h0rX :pPpPpp

diDn'T rEalli d0 wEll f0r mId yEaR...dEn g0t vBallx c0mpEtiti0n...wE qUiTe piNg lE laHx...i gUeSS...bUt jUx tt liTTle biT...wE diDn't gEt iNt0 fiNalS...bUt g0t tHiRd lAhx..n0t bAd lE...pErhAps iTs fAtEd :)

n0w mUx c0nCenTraTe 0n sTudiEs lE...tHink iTs aBit lAte h0rX...nVm..aT lEaSt i kN0W iTs laTe lE...n0t liKe s0mE pPLe kEeP sAyiNg itS sTiLL eArlY...hAhA ;)

0h yAh...anD tHis h0lidAy wEnt bBq wiF s0mE fWeNs...f0rgEt tHe dAte lE...tT niGht vErY fUn...wE dRiNk`c00k`cHaT`eAt`pLaY cArDs...wAh..s0 fUn...wEnT t0 wAlk aR0uNd tHe paRk..dEn tiReD lE tHeY sAt d0Wn iN tHe miDDle 0f tHe r0Ad t0 plAy cArds..diAo00ooo...dEn i sTaY tiLL 5.40 liDDaT..c0z g0t c0mpEtiti0n...dEn tHis fWen sEnt mE h0mE l0rX...n0t bAd..g0t fRee riDe..hAha...s0mE 0f tHem g0t sm0kE laHx...s0 tT niTe becAme a pAssiVe sm0kEr..hAHa...i nEvA sm0kE 0nE h0rX...i s0 gUai ^_^"..dEn lAtEr c0mpEtiti0n s0 tiRed...bec0mE vEry blUr...dEn jiA0 liaN cHanGe mE 0uT...l0lx..miSs dA bBq~~~

n0w vERy lAtE lE..tmL g0t cHi rEmeDial...n0t suRe g0inG an0t...sEe tMl m0RniNg tiReD n0t...dEn dEciDe...n0w i bEtteR g0 slEEp..
pple out there...dun MISS me...LUV ya L0TS...nitezZZzzzz~!!