Sunday, March 06, 2005

g0t baCk resUlts. L1R5=>9. bUt eNgliSh g0t C5. s0 dAmn diSgUstiNG. i sUx aT eNglisH. i bLuff eiLeen i g0t 15. sHe aNd mY aNgel wEnt t0 gEt appEal f0rm f0r mE. hAhaHa. i aM s0 t0ucHed. l0lx. nExt dAy i wAs alm0sT kiLLed bY tHem.

al0t 0f mY friEnds leAvinG tJc lE. sAd mAnx. s0mE didn't eVen b0tHer t0 c0mE t0 sCh f0R tHe wH0lE wEek. aLL r0T aT h0mE. bUt i Am sTayiNg. hAve t0 c0Me t0 sCh eVen if i Dun fEEl liKe. hAix. mY mUm wAn mE t0 g0 t0 0tHer sCh00lS tHaT aRe neArEr. bUt iN thE eNd sUrE iS i wiN dE. i t0lD hEr iF i dUn g0 t0 tHe sCh00l i liKe, i wUn sTudY wEll dE. sHe hAf n0 cH0iCE. hMmMMmm. sEri0uSly it iS rEallY vEry fAr. bUt i dUn miNd la. hAHa.

wEdneSdAY hAd frieNdlY wiTh TP. l0sT m0sT 0f iT. but nVm. wE cAn d0 bEttEr neXt tiMe. :P tHuRsDay i rEfuSed t0 g0 f0r cR0ss c0uNtrY tRaininG. i wAtChEd tHem tRain niAx. hAHa. i aM suCh a laZy bUm. fRidAe n0 tRaininG. wAtCh vidE0. dEn wEnt mAc. dEn baCk t0 sCh f0r gAmmA h0usE fuNti0n. g0t bReakdAncinG, hip-h0p. c00l manx. dEn eVerb0dY wAs dAncinG. tHe f00d wAs vEry dElici0uS, tHe beSt paRt 0f tHe wh0lE eVEnt. haHa.

sAturDay traininG. aLL yeAr 1s eXcept f0r liHui. eilEen tHe liVe rAdi0 wAs n0t tHere. cAn u bElieVe h0w qUiet tHe tRainiNg cAn bE??? iMaGinE h0w cAn wE hAvE tRainiNgs witH0uT eilEEn. wEnT sUntEc t0 eAt bAn miAn aFtEr tHat. dEn wAlk aR0uNd aNd h0mE. dinnEr aT h0mE. s0 delici0uS~. bUt i wAs aCtuAlly quiTe fUll dUrinG dinnEr. tHe f00d wAs s0 niCe tHat i cAnn0t c0ntr0l mYself. eAt tiLL bl0aTeD. l0lx.

lAtA hAftA wRitE leTTer t0 mY aNGel aNd m0rTal lE. buZy wiTh tEsts tHeSe fEw dAes. tHuRsdAy cHem SPA teSt. fRidAy eC0ns tEsT wHicH i sUrE fAil De. g0t bAck cHem tEst 0n friDay. g0t 23/24. n0t bAd. sh0Ws tHat i g0t stuDy. hAHa. sTudy hAlFwaY sLeep tHat kinD. bUt tHe tEst iS all cAlculAti0n niAx. s0 n0t vEry haRd. hAhahA.

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