Monday, February 07, 2005

FridAy. iT wAsn'T a niCe dAy aT aLL. hAd sWimmiNg iN tHe m0RninG. The p00l wAs s0 diSguStiNg. wHen u wAlk iN iT, u cAn fEel sAnd aT tHe b0tt0M 0f The p00l. nExt fEw sWmmiNg lEss0ns iF i cAn i sUrE will giVe eXcuSes De. rUsh bAck t0 sCh aFtEr tHaT f0r lEss0nS. didN't eVen hAvE tiMe t0 eAt mY bReAkfAst. tHis sCh syStEm Realli Sux. mY sT0mAch WaS gR0WliNg likE mAd. bUt wHen iT wAs LuNch i didn't fEel likE eAtinG aNym0Re. hAd hAshbR0Wn and milksHake wHiCh i c0ulDn't finiSh. wEnT f0r tRaininG aND i wAsn'T iN tHe m00D t0 plAy. i wAntEd t0 j0in iN tHe cArnivAl s0 muCh. s0 i pLayeD liKe sHit aGain. eNdEd tRainiNg aT 6. iF iT wAs aNy l0nGeR tHink i aM g0iNg t0 bUrSt iNt0 fiRe lE. wEnt f0r cArnivAl. mY cG hAd tW0 sTalls bUt t00 muCh s0 hAndEd 0nE t0 cG 27/05. wE mEnD tHe gAmeS sTall aNd tHe oTher cG hAd tHe f00d stAll. hUabiN wAs cG 27/05 rEp And hE wAs rEalli vEry cAt (mA0). dAmn hiM l0Rx. eVeRy0nE wAs liKe vEry bU sHuAng aT him. tAke 0nE p0psiCle 0s0 cAnn0t aNd hE kEEp tAlkiNg aB0uT pr0fiTs. pPlE g0 t0 enj0Y 0nE l0rX. iN tHe EnD hE 0s0 hAd lEft0vErs aNd wE wErE 0s0 tH0sE tHaT finishEd iT. hEard tHaT hE wAs 0s0 quitE selfiSh aNd irriTaTInG. HeArD fr0m mY cG dE. aNywAy dUn wAn t0 c0mmEnt 0n hiM lE lA. sp0il mY m00d niAx. i wEnt t0 bUy m0Re wHippEd cReAm aFtEr tRaininG aNd cAmE bAck aT aB0uT 7. wiThin 1 H0uR plUs mY wh0lE fAcE aNd hAir wAs filEd wiTh tHe vEry sWeet wHippEd cReAm. jAryl wAs liKe sAyinG wHy i s0 clEaN AnD "SmACk!!" ALL ThE CrEAM WaS 0N My FaCE. H0NgSianG, yinGlEi ad aDeliNe 0s0 diD tHat. aNd wE wEre liKe plaYinG am0nG 0uRselVes. zhAnhuI wAs s0 stupiD t0 aCcidEntAlly gAve hiS fRienD al0T 0f cReaM t0 sMack himSelf. think i Am g0inG t0 av0id eAtinG cAkEs wiTh cReam f0r 3 m0nThs. aT aB0uT 8.30pM, mR fUnG wAs liKe wAlkiNg aR0uNd wiTh tHis spEakEr sAyinG tHat tHe gaTe will cl0Se aT 8.30. bUt 0f c0z tHe gatE wAs still 0pen wHen iT wAs ab0uT tEn. i went t0 wAshEd uP mEaninG clEaninG aWay tHe cReAm 0nlY. dEn wEnt f0r dinnEr. i hAd dEsseRt 0nli. i wAs Full aFtEr hAvinG th0se cReam piEs. aFtEr tHaT wEnT h0mE t0 bAthE. i bAth mY hair aNd fAce tWiCe. it wAs vEry 0ilY. wEnT sTraigHt t0 bEd aFtEr tHat.

sAtUrdAy. m0rninG c0ulDn't wAke uP. alm0sT laTe f0r tRaininG 0r t0 sAe i wAs juX in timE. i wAs vEry tiRed s0 tRaininG wAs n0t suitable f0r mE tHaT daY.wEnt bEd0k kFc aFtEr tRaininG aNd aTe Al0t t0 maKe uP f0r fRiDaY's sTarVati0n. hAha. dEn wEnt TM's aRcAde witH vBallErs. plAY tHe sTupid gAme wHich hiT mY finGEr. it wAs s0 pain. 0k lArx. mY finGer still cAn m0vE n0w. wAlk ar0unD aT tM, iT wAs winD0w sh0ppinG 0nli. didn't bUy aNythinG. wAlk till vEry tiRed dEn sAt d0wN f0r a drink aNd dEn wEnt h0mE. sh0wEr aNd wEnt 0ut aGain f0r dinnEr. aNd back h0mE t0 slEEp.

sUndAy. i wAnteD t0 d0 mY hmWk. but i w0kE uP laTE. hAd bRunCh. dEn mY fAmilY wAnTs t0 g0 mAlaYsia f0r sh0ppinG. s0 i wEnt al0nG. didn't bUy aNything f0r mYselF bUt b0uGht al0t 0f nEw yeaR g00ds. rEachEd h0mE aT 8 plUs 9. i aTe 1/3 0f tHe piNeapplE tArT tHat wAs b0uGht aNd wEnt t0 slEep. thiNk i gr0wiNg fAttEr lE. h0W?? mUx cUt d0Wn 0n tiDbiTs. bUt vEry haRd t0 c0ntr0l. eSpecially whEn tHe CNY biScuits aRe s0 dElici0uS.

sh0p f0r tW0 dAys in a r0w. m0nDay. rEaliSed i didn't d0 aNy hMwk aT aLL. m0RninG dUn Feel liKe g0iNg t0 sCh. bUt mY muM sAe cAnn0t aNd mY bR0 wAs askiNg mE n0t t0 g0. 0f c0Z i lisTen t0 mY mUm. wEnt sCh. g0t tHrEe lEctuRes. i sLept iN tW0, cHem And ec0ns. cHem i didN't unDeRstand wAd sHe wAs t0kiNg aB0ut s0 i juZ wEnt t0 slEEp. bUt i rEalisEd tHaT tHe cHem leCtuReR l00ks eXaCtlY liKe a c0ckEl spAniEl. i wAs tEllinG mY fRieNd aNd sHe buRst 0uT laUgHing. luCkY tHe lEcTurEr didN't hEar. i am sEri0uS mAnx. hEr cUrly hair aT tHe siDe l00ks liKe tHe spAniEl's eArs aNd hEr fAce is s0 thin aNd l0nG liKe a d0g's. w0OO00~ wAd a "c00l" lEcTurEr. hAhaHa. aFtEr sCh wEnt buGis wiTh cG friEndS t0 sh0p. b0uGht s0meThinG f0r mY aNgEl. 0wE vEry l0nG lE. s0 paiSeh.

i rEalli fEel liKe i Am in tHe l0sT w0rld n0w. i dUn unDerSTand mAths (AP & GP), pHysiC (tHeRmodynAmics), ec0ns ANd cHem. eC0ns wE hAd tHe leCtuRer tHat c0ndUcts lEctuRes in a t0Ne tHat s0uNds aS if sHe is a mAd womAn tHat hAd juz rUn 0uT 0f w00dbRidGe. wHen i liStEn t0 hEr v0iCe i cAnn0t aBs0Rb wAdEva sHe is tAlkinG ab0ut. cHem. tHe c0ckEl spAnieL kEep tAlkinG aB0ut 0RbitalS aNd i dUn eVen uNdErsTand h0w did tH0sE oRbiTals appEar in hEr lEctuRe. i aM rEalli l0sT. nExt wEek g0t cHem aNd physic tEst lE. bUt i dUn tHink iS 0n tH0se t0picS. still hAve tiMe t0 cAtch uP. cAn s0mE0nE tEll mE h0W in tHe hEll wiLL i n0t slEep in lEcturEs?? aNd h0w t0 c0ncEntRaTe???

tMl iS cHinEsE nEw yEar EvE !!!! g0t l0Ts 0f f00d t0 eAt. i Am g0iNg t0 c0mE h0me eArly. tMl 0nlY g0t civiCs anD i cAn bE bAck. sH0uld i g0 bAck t0 mY sEc sCh??. sTill dEciDing.....

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