Sunday, January 09, 2005

fiRst weEk of sCh niAx aNd i aM s0 dEad alrEady. tHe 0riEntAti0n wAs s0 fUn aNd tiRing. i aM iN OG15 wHich bEl0nGs t0 tHe `iNcEndiuM` clAn. tHe OGLs wEre vEry kinD aNd fRieNdlY, vEry sp0rTy t00. g0t t0 kn0w muCh m0rE friEnds dEn expEcteD. aLL 0f tHem aRe c00l aNd sUpeRb. tHe gUys aRe quiTe sHuaI~. s0 muCh difFeReNce fr0m m0St 0f tHe gUys iN cChmS. hAha.

fiRsT dAy wAs dRy gAmes. sEc0nD dAy aMaziNg rAce aNd 0G 15 g0t tHe m0St p0iNts. tHirD dAy wAs wEt gAmes. ovErall tHe gAmes aRe fUn. i l0Ve tHe mAss dAnce mAnx. s0 c00l. sAw tHe 0GLs dAncinG s0 seXy. hAha. leArn s0mE 0f tHe dAnce bUt cAn't clEarly rEmembEr tHe sTepS lE. f0UrtH dAy hAd leCtuRes aNd dEn hAng 0uT witH mY clAss aNd dEn v0lleYbAll trNg. fridAy wAs tHe lAst daYs 0f 0riEntAti0n. tHe niTe wAs s0 muCh 0f sCrEaMinG aNd yElliNg. n0w mY eArs aNd thRoaT abiT sp0il lE. sAt hAd tRng aGain. t0dAe wEnt t0 l00k f0r nEw spEctAclEs, muX wAit till wEd dEn iTs d0nE. n0W cAnn0t d0 wiTh0uT mY spEcts lE. tHe leCtuRes all iN tHe LTs, siT aT tHe bAck sUrE cAnn0t sEe dE. hMm.

i aM s0 tiRed aNd siCk!!!!! mUscLe aChE. bAck aChE. kNee pAin. lEg paIn. c0uGh. sTuck n0Se.

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