Thursday, December 29, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
to be exact, i am left with one week...struggling with my hmwk coz i onli did 30 chem dun have maths tys..i haven touch physics..oh no..well..anyway this holiday i had fun till i realli feel like leaving school for good..hehx..
a question appear and i rejected it....this time it appear again...i feel guilty to reject it i left it hanging dere...i juz want to concentrate on my studies first...anyway if u think u can win my heart, go ahead....coz i onli treat u as my friend and nth else...lastly, i juz wan to say tt i realli hate tt question:)Wednesday, November 23, 2005
fungus is crazy...trng ask us to do stupid am i supposed to do sit up on the hard floor...pain one lehx...kaox...
anyway bought ps2...shared with my brother...$395..i fork out $150..quite x..but worth it...bought a new pair of volleyball shoes too...$ it alot..friday going to watch harry potter with yenling and some others..cant wait to watch it:P
its not that i dun wan to go but i am scared...i scared i cannot continue with wad i love doing now...Thursday, November 17, 2005
shall update wad i did the past few daes..hmmm..last mondae fever...fridae diarrhoea...but i still went sentosa with my was my father's burfdae.cycle dere till butt pain..den drown my dog in the sea but it survived.we had a feast for dinner.woa..ate alot.
saturdae..morning went for pw meeting for final touch up.den brother bought chicken wings and otah for bbq.went seletar bridge to bbq.lucky i didnt lose my voice. sundae had turtle soup for breakfast cum lunch.yummy!! nite time went for indian food coz my father's worker gave a treat. not bad. first time i ate indian food. they didnt have plates.everything was served on the banana leaf.
mondae op. think i enjoy it and was quite satisfied with my performance. after tt went lunch at pizza hut with yenling and qiao.had Curry Zazzle baked rice. they were gg for job interview at redhill. had nth to do so i followed them. filled in the form for fun oso. den we walk past this shop tt sells toys for kids. the toys help in building the kids' IQ.we stayed there for almost 2 hrs. the man even taught us how to play a few games coz he tot we wanted a job there.the games were fun man. we play till we forget the time. went back by mrt. lucky i found a seat coz my leg cannot tahan le.ate dinner at northpoint with my friend.den home!!my mum bought bbq stingray and otah for me oso. i eat and wait for her to finish bathing and join me but i failed. fell asleep on the floor while eating stingray. wonder how can my mum managed to bath for 1hr in the bathroom woke up and found out tt my mum finished the stingray. had a otah den went to my mum's bed and fell asleep again. think i woke up in the midnite and sleepwalk to my bed. haha;)tuesday training in the morning den afternoon went agatha's house to play ps2 with fun.especially the bomberman. i was screaming all the way. i very lousy, keep dying de. cannot blame. who ask me cock eye and greedy. keep looking for egg and life jacket and neva see the bomb. but char damn pro la. keep winning. had a nice day at aga's house. heyx, thanz agathaaaa!!!
oh ya...and yenling cheerx yea~:D anywae yenling, u got burfdae mehx??? hahaha:P now gg 6am le. buaix!Sunday, November 13, 2005
Monday, November 07, 2005
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Friday, July 01, 2005
oH ya....lAst m0ndAy i jUz wEnt sEntoSa...mY br0tHer's birThdaY aNd wE wEnt dEre t0 cElebrate...tH0ugH i wAs siCk tHe dAy bEf0re....s0mem0Re g0 sEE d0ct0r aNd haVE injeCti0n...bUt i stiLL g0 sEnt0sA tHe neXt dAy witH sliGht fEvEr....aNd sEeing tHe d0cT0r isn't fUn at All.....mY muM wEnt t0 tEll tHe d0ct0r tHat mY neCk abniT sw0llEn dEn tHe d0ct0R sAe yAr abit....wAh liEw...sCaRed mE...liKe i kEna cAncEr......siAo 0nE.....bUt tRutHfUlly abiT sw0llen lA.....dEn mY mUm aDvisE mE n0t t0 sH0ut t00 muCh during tRaining...dUn thiNk iTs g0t anythiNg t0 d0 wiTh sh0utinG riTe??....bUt tHink i wiLL stiLL lisTen t0 hEr la...hAHa...i 0nlY like tHe paRt 0f tHe injEcti0n wHen sEeinG tHe d0ct0R tt dAy......i aCtuAlly wAtcH tHe wh0lE injEcti0n...heex...vEry fun lEhx... laSt wEEk 0F h0lidAys....didn't rEalli sTudy....wEnt 0ut 0n m0ndAy, tUesdAy, wEd aNd tHurs....sTarTed 0n fRidAy...hAha....n0t iN tHe m00d t0 sTudy aCtuaLLy.....m0ndAy's eC0ns teSt iS a mEss...eSsay quesTi0n eVery paRt i wr0Te 0nE paRagrApH 0nli....w0ndEr wAd tHe tEachEr is gg t0 saE....dRq tHe laSt quEsti0n i fElt s0 sick wHen l00king aT tHe quesTi0n THat i leFt iT blank aNd wEnt 0n T0 tHe mCq bEf0re tiMe eNds....mCq aNyh0w Guess....i wAs r0llinG mY eRaser f0r answers....iF i cAn gEt m0Re tHAn 20 f0r eC0ns iT w0uld bE a Surprise.....
tuEsdAy....mAths aNd Gp wAs 0kiE....jUz h0pE i cAn paSs mY GP......anyway tHe hAll wAs dAmn c0ld...n0t a very g00d envir0nMent f0r eXam...i rAther tHey usE tHe fAn.....mY fingErs wEre fr0zEn.....brAin frEEze....cAnn0t tHink aNd write....wEdneSday cHem....mCq is tHe w0rst...i rolleD mY eRAseR aGain...bUt firSt qUestion i copiEd tHe pErs0n bEsidE mE dE aNswEr.....i sAw sHe vEry c0nfiDently circle tHe aNswer ma....den i Duhno h0w t0 d0...s0 copY hEr's lo...sEcti0n B aNd C wAs aLritE....phYsiCS i l0vEd tHe mCq...tT's tHe 0nli pArt i Am c0nfiDent....sEcti0n C eSsay qUestion....aLL 3 Question s0 haRd...dUno wHich 0nE t0 ch00se....sEcti0n B i dIdn't d0 tHe wh0le 0f QUestion 5....c0Z i dUno wAd's viScouS f0rce....i hAd mEntAl bl0ck wHen i sAw visc0us f0rcE....i sTudiEd iT in The cAnteeN bEf0rE eNteRinG tHe hAll dE..diAoz......lEt's h0pE i cAn pAss 2 sUbjEct And GP.....n0 nEEd sEe prinCiplE can lE...mY mUm sAe sHe wUn g0 ANd sEe tHe principAl De if i kEna......sHit Man....mUz prAy hARd........
Saturday, June 11, 2005
sEri0uslY.....talkinG aBt mY vbAll sKills....mY pEak is rEalli 0vEr lE.....hAve bEEn tRaininG f0r aLm0sT hAlf a YeAr aNd still cAn't gEt bAck wAd i hAd wHen i wAs sEc 4....rEalli fElt vEry depRessinG aT timEs durinG trAininGs....fEel liKe giVinG iT uP......wAd cHuhonG sAid 'u can peak again, and peak higher the next time'.....this iS oso wAd i wAs h0piNg f0r thiS half yEar.....bUt iT sEems rEal haRd.......
My l0ve f0R y0u hAs sink t0 tHe b0tt0m 0f tHe 0Cean...
wEd g0t 3 nEw girlS wh0 cAme f0r vBall tRial.tHe pasiR riS 0nE wAs g00d.hMMmmm...tHiNk sHe plAyEd bEttEr dEn me.yEar2s wEnt t0 plaY 0s0..s0 l0ng neVa plaY wiTh tHem lE..fElt s0 g00d..hAd lUnch Den h0mE t0 sLack.n0 0nE wAs aT h0mE till abt miDnigHt.hAd mY 0wN dinNer.siAn~....
tHurs....m0rning wEnt sCh00l f0r ec0ns whiCh i dUn uNdErsTand a w0rD sHe sAe.jUz c0py aNd c0pY tHe AnsweRs.dEn pW mEeting wHich wAs liKe 15 miNs?? dEn very b0rEd aNd wAs feEliNg l0W aFtEr wAd hAppeNed tHe niTe bEf0re.didn'T fEel liKe g0iNg h0Me s0 eArlY...wEnt bEd0k liBraRy t0 slAck.did nEwspApEr aRticlE, rEad s0me b00ks aNd c00kiNg b00ks.qUite iNtEreSting.b0rr0WeD 2 b00ks aNd went h0me.rEaCheD h0me wHicH wAs eMptY exCept f0r mY br0tHer wH0 wAs sLeepiNg.wAtCh tV till niTe.hAd dinnEr wiTh mY br0tHer.wEnt f0r a dRink.hMMm....bArcArdi.s0 l0ng neVa dRink lE.fElt s0 niCe aFteR tHe driNk.wAs mSgiNg zZ aT tHat tiMe.tH0uGh i dRaNk bUt i tHink sHe sLept 0ff eArlieR dEn mE...hEEx...
fRi g0t 2 nAs aNd 2 pAsiR riS de.3 0f tHem wEre g00d.i wAs plAyiNg dRuNkeN vBall aFtEr laSt nitE's dRink....fElt s0 slEEpy.lUckY eilEEn wAs tHere.sHe wAs mAkiNg a l0t 0f n0isE wHicH eNc0urAgEd mE t0 sH0ut dUring tHe gAme.hAd a fEw niCe gAmes.aFter tRaininG hAd luNch opP0siTe sCh dEn g0 h0mE lE.eVeryb0dY liKe vEry bUsy liDdAt.d0Txx.......wEnt h0mE.ntH t0 d0.dEcidEd t0 hElp mY mUm m0p fl00r.mSging zZ aGain till 12 plUs.i d0zEd 0ff.w0kE uP sUddeNly aNd rEply hEr.aFtEr a wHile n0 rEply fr0m hEr....gUeSs shE slEEp lE.i wEnt t0 slEep 0s0....
t0dAe.slAck aT h0mE.i wAs in fr0nT 0f tHe tV tHe wh0lE dAy wiTh pHysiCs KinEmatics n0tEs iN fr0nT 0f mE....0nlY t0ucHeD 3 oR 4 paGes.paThetic...i sTill g0t eNgliSh c0mp0 haVen d0.neeD hAnd in bY 14th jUne....i think..and t0daE isH.....11th juNe!!!! hElp......i wAn t0 wRitE bUt tHe pr0blEm iS i dUn0 h0w t0 sTaRt a comp0.....hAix..
we were stranger, starting out on a journey.never dreaming, what we'd have to go through.
now here we are, i'm suddenly standing...
at the..beginning with you.
no one told me, i was going to find you.
unexpected...what u did to my heart.
when I lost were there to remind me.
this is the start.....
& life is a road, i wanna keep goin'
love is a river, i wanna keep flowing.
life is a road, now&foreva, wonderful journey.
i'll be there, when the world stops turning...
i'll be there, when the storm is through
in the end, i want to be standing
at the beginning with you.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Saturday, May 28, 2005
had the individuals.i ran 5km without even knowing the route.shocked when i saw the slope.walked a few times.couldn't catch my breath.came in 14th.not bad lar.den squat-thrust, i did 78.sit-up,did 95. shuttle run, duno timing. incline pull-up, did 22.stitch after shuttle run.hand cramp after incline.applied lots of dEEp hEat.wEnt home den found out toe was bleeding.hEEx...wEnt back to school lata and stay overnite.
2nd started with 28km run.vballers preparing for run.i was sleeping on their comfortable with the strong wind.haha.i didnt have to run coz i am a titAn.heex.vballers finish running den go home le.left me.PW meeting den find eileen.had nasi lemak opp school for breakfast.den help ot in the pe office.i did nth much.arranged the sizes of the jackets only.slept on comfortable.went to watch badminton after that.they lost but they did well too.especially lisi.felt quite sad for them.back to school for titans after event.the log was damn heavy.applying dEEp hEat throughout the event.did sit-ups, chest-press, bicep curls, shoulder-press and squats.i couldn't do bicep-curls coz of my back.sad manz.but i tahan the rest of the event.we broke record for chest-press, 428.we were like machines going up and down steady.gamma won for the day.we were cheering like boost our happy!! 3rd dAy.woke up late.went school late.who cares.den soft volleyball.den sad couldnt play.onli did stretching with them den i need to go for titans le.applied dEEp hEat again.titans team event 7km run.neva run b4 oso.but it wasnt tiring.did it in 44mins 9sec.den watch the guys do log-throw.we were the best, 104 throws.almost twice of the other teams.the guys were so steady at it.last event was log relay.we were second.not the telematch.and prize presentation!!surprised that i got 6th for individual.chao xiu got 3rd, the other two got 10th and 7th position i think.titans champions was GAMMA!!!jumping like mad at that time.after so much hard work, it was worth it.overall champion was delta.gamma got second.ate the food after delicious.sherry was down dere funny.chao xiu didnt eat enough.haha.went home after that.
three days is first i told myself that i wont join titans next year, but now i will reconsider it.think i will join again next year.nice and happy memories during these 3 days.miss titAns.miss my titAns mAtes.miss dEEp hEat.we fought together and we won.really miss the whole event.hope next year titAns will come fAster.......Saturday, May 07, 2005
lasT lAst wEdneSdAy 27thApril wEnt 0ut wiTh eIleEN liSi aNd tHeir fRiend. aTe t0W hUay, diMsUm, pizzA aNd r0ti b0y. wEnt kEluN's h0usE t0 wAtCh dVd. s0 fUn. liHuI j0iNeD uS dUrinG diMsUm. eNj0yEd tHat dAy. neXt dAy vBall b0yS sEmi-fNals. tHey w0n aJc 3-2 aNd g0t iNt0 finAls. fElt s0 hAppy f0r tHem. bUt sAd f0r mY tEam. wAdsmoRe JJ g0t iNt0 finAls.
fRidAy p0n sCh. tHurSdAy niTe wAs mSginG zZ aNd sHe sAe sHe wiLL g0 sCh tHe neXt dAY tH0uGh sHe sAd. dEn m0rNing cAme. Zz's mSg thAt shE ovErslEpt aNd wAs aT h0mE. s0 cUte~wH0lE dAy wAs spEnt cHattiNg wiTh hEr, d0inG s0mE hMwk aNd hElp mY mUm wiTh gR0cEry. h0w niCe t0 bE aT h0mE 0n a fRidAY. plUs lab0uR dAY 0n m0nDay, i rEstEd f0r 4 dAys iN a r0w. m0ndAy wEnt tRng dEn aTe aT tHai eXpRess. iN tHe eNd wEnt aiRp0rT t0 sTudY wiTh r0n, cH00nfU, iSabElla, aGatHa aNd wAntinG.
tHe rEst 0f tHe wEek wAs tErribLe. dUrinG leSs0ns i wAs liKe hUh hErE hUh tHere. i nEva d0 ec0nS hMwk, cHem hMwk, physiCs hMwk. i wAs t0tally liKe a bLur s0t0nG. g0t bAck ec0ns tEst wHich i c0pied fr0m tHe n0teS duRing tHe tEst dE, i fAileD 9/25. tHursDay cHem tEst, fRidAY physiCs tEst. g0inG t0 d0 bAdLy f0r b0tH.
fridAy aFter phYsics mAkeup m0cK sPa, wEnt t0 wATch m0viE "h0usE 0f WAX" witH isAbElla, aGatha, wAnting, shAr0n, qiaoyi, yEnlinG, r0n, ch00nfU aNd bEnjamiN. tHe st0ry ploT wAs nicE aNd tHe picTuRes aNd aCti0n aNd bl00d Was eVen nicER. s0 c00l. tHe bl00d aLL fl0w liKe tAp wAtEr dE. n0t vEry sCaRy f0r mE. bUt i wAs scAred bY yEnliNg. sHe wAs sittinG bEsidE mE. hEr sCrEAms wEre tErrible. n0 w0nDer n0b0dY dArEs t0 siT witH hEr. i alm0st bEc0mE dEaf. tHat wAs still 0K uNtil hAlfwAy i l0wEr mY hEad aNd l00k d0Wn aT mY leG. i sAw a heAd in fR0nT 0f mE. iT wAs yEnliNg's hEad. sHe wAs lEaning t0wArds mE. dEn iT g0t w0rSe. sHe sUddEnly h0ld mY hAnd. sCare tHe hEll 0uT 0f mE. i fAstEr sHake hEr hAnd 0ff. tHink sHe cAn 0nlI wAtch sCarY m0viE wiTh hEr b0YfriEnd. aFtEr m0viE wEnt t0 eat l0ng j0hNs. dEn sh0p dEn wEnt h0mE. sit bUs 8 witH sCary yEnling. tHe buS wAs rEally fAstEr dEn tHE rESt. reAcH h0mE in aB0ut 40 mins.
t0dAy dEcidEd n0t t0 g0 tRng. wEnt 0uT t0 bUy tHinGs dEn bAckEd h0mE t0 d0 hmwk. didn't d0 muCh.ineFficient syStem 0f mE.
aCtually i dUn fEel liKe g0iNg tAiwAn lE. c0z 0f s0mE pr0bleMs. s0methiNg hAppeNeD aNd maDe mE cHangE mY minD aB0ut g0inG t0 tAiwAn. jUz n0W mY fAtHer cAme bAck aNd hE sAid s0mEthing wHich wAs fUnny 0nlY pHysicAlly. i lAugHed bUt dEep d0Wn iN mY hEart i fElt it, i kn0w h0w hE fEels. rEally cAn't fiNd aNy w0Rds t0 dEscriBe mY fEeliNgs n0w..........Saturday, April 23, 2005
nAti0nAls 0vEr. bUsy wiTh w0rK l0. 0wE l0ts 0F hMwk. g0t bAck cHem tEst, i fAilEd tErriBly, 11/26. nEed t0 cAtcH uP lE. tHis wEekeNd g0t eNg, cHem aNd maThs hMwk t0 finisHed. m0n g0t ec0nS tEst!!! i hAvEn eVen sTarTeD 0n 0nE w0Rd. wAdsm0Re, t0dAe g0t cLass bBq. g0inG 0uT tiLL lAte. dUn tHink i g0inG t0 sTudY 0R d0 aNy w0rK aFtEr tHat. :X
g0T mY PW gR0up. aT firSt t0t tHeY vEry sLacK de. bUt i cAme t0 rEaLised tHat wE 4 pErs0n t0gEtHer maKes a hAppY fAmilY. wE wErE all vEry eNthu. hAd firsT mEetinG lAst niTe 0nlinE. cAme Up wiTh a 3 t0piCs. wE wEre aCtuAlly sNatChinG t0 d0 tHe PIs. cAn u bElieVed iT??? mUz d0 wEll f0r PW. mY gR0up's AimS aNd G0alS: A1 f0R eVery0Ne. eNj0Y bEinG iN tHe gR0up. iT a hArdw0rKinG aNd fUnny gr0up. U wUn gEt b0Red beiNg iN iT. hAha. wiTh j0kErs aNd lAmeRs ar0uNd. i bElieVed i Am 0nE 0f Them. HeeX....
n0 traininG tHeSe fEw dAys. h0pe wE cAn sTart tRaininG eArliEr. i hAve bEen eAtiNg al0T tHeSe fEw dAys dUe t0 dEpRessi0n. gR0winG fAtter lE. tJ boYs tEam iN qUaRtErs. w0n 1 mAtch. sTill g0t vJc aNd NyjC t0 wiN. h0pE tHey can gEt inT0 t0p f0uR. i bElieVe tHey cAn d0 iT dE aNd mAkE Tj vBall tEam pr0uD. nExt yEar tHe GiRls wiLL aLs0 mAke tHe Team pr0uD. yEa~Thursday, April 07, 2005
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Thursday, March 24, 2005
0RieNtAti0n 2 wAs fUn eXcepT tHat al0t 0f pplE p0n. fiRst dAy g0t tAlks s0 aBit b0rinG. mY clAss g0t 10 nEw ppLe. aLL vEry fUn ppLe. aCtuAlly sEc0nD dAy didn'T wAn t0 g0. bUt cHun KiaT bEg mE t0 g0. hE clAn lEadEr lEhx. s0mEm0Re mY clAssmAte f0r tw0 yEars lE. muZ supp0Rt hIm aNd hElp hiM mA. s0 i wEnt. cAn't blame mE, i tHis pErs0n s0fT-hEarTed dE. hAHa. yEnliNg wAs mY clAss'S OGL. sHe kEna bUlly mY mE liKe siA0. aMaziNg rAce, cG 31 g0t tHirD. w0A~!! cHeErs mAn!! bUt wE cHeAtEd aLL tHe wAy. hAha. bUt tHis sH0wS tHat 0uR cG iS quitE b0nDeD lE. hAha. 0nE 0F tHe 2nd iNtAkErs eVen iNvEntEd cHeer f0r tHe clAn. bUt iTs a c0uNtEr chEer lA. hAHa. lEarnEd tW0 mAss dAncE. m0ndAy g0t wEt gAmes. dUn fEel liKe g0ing. sHall mAke mY dEcisi0n lAteR laTer lAteR.....
tMl g0t tRainiNg. sAt 0s0 g0t. n0 m0Re eUnicE. h0W???? 1 lEss pErs0n t0 pLay wiTh mE lE. cann0t iRritaTe hEr lE. hAix!
Monday, March 21, 2005
Friday, March 18, 2005
n0w i aM vEry b0rEd aNd tHe paRt 0n mY hAnd sTuNg bY tHe wAsp dUring cAmp iSh n0w vEry vEry itChy. s0mE0nE hElp mE !!! jUz hElp mE sCratCh.... i cAnt st0p thinkiNg. HmmMm.... mAybE it iS jUz fAted. hE diD wAveD t0 mE. bUt hE jUz rEfusEd t0 tAlk t0 mE. iS hE sHy 0R ???? hAix. iT is s0 hEart-bReakiNg. i aM vEry c0nfUsed. hE kn0Es aNd s0 d0 i kn0e. maYbe i sH0uld jUz f0rgEt aBt hiM aNd g0 0n witH mY liFe with0uT hiM. -_-;
Thursday, March 17, 2005
sEc0nD niTe m0rE fUn. hAd bArcArdi aNd sUppEr, y0U tiAo aNd tAo hUay. s0 dElici0uS~ aTe al0T dUriNg cAmp. fAt lE. hAha. sLeepiNg tHat tiMe is aGatHa, mE dEn zZ. g00d mAnx. i wAs in tHe middLe. s0 wArm. hAha. n0 nEeD t0 sNatcH blAnkeT. bUt miDniTe sAw zZ siTtiNg uP liKe vEry c0lD. s0 0ffEreD hEr s0mE bLankEt. aNd wE tHrEE eNdeD uP sLeepIng iN a tRiaNglE. hAha.
t0dAe wAs laSt dAy 0F cAmp. aFtEr tRAiniNg wAs vEry tiRed. wEnt h0mE t0 bAthe fiRst. aCtuAlly g0t g0 wAtcH m0viE aNd eAt 0ut wiTh mY fRieNds dE. mY mUm c00kEd aNd i didN't hAd en0uGh slEep, aBiT AP. s0 sTayEd aT h0mE. sLeep tiLL dinnEr tiMe. n0W vEry aWakE. dinnEr t0dAe iS niCe. aTe a wH0le fUll b0Wl 0F riCe. vEry fUll~ n0w sTill hAvEn digEst finiSh, cAn fEel tHe st0maCh bl0aTed.
tiMe flieS mAnx. t0dAe iS tHurSdAy. tMl iS fridAy. dEn sAt, sUn. sCh rEopEns 0n m0ndAy. s0 fAst. i hAvEn eNj0Y mY h0lidAys eN0ugH.
jiNqUan aNd yEnliNg's gRandmA diEd 0n tUesDay. g0d blEss tHem. hE l00k s0 sAd wHen i sAw hiM iN sCh00l. jiE Ai sHun biAn. dUn tHink s0 mUch lA. hAix~
Monday, March 14, 2005
0nE wEek. 4 tRaininGs. sAturDay wEnt lAte c0z i c0ulDn't wAke uP. s0 dAmn tirEd. tRaininGs witH0ut eilEEn iS s0 weiRd. s0 qUieT. rEstiNg f0r 2 dAys=> yTd aNd t0dAe. tRainiNg sTaRts tMl aGain.
tMl got vBall cAmp. tMl g0t 4IT sEnt0sA 0utiNg. wHy mUz eVerytHinG bE cRamp t0gEtHer?? i hAftA ch00sE cAmp 0r sEnt0sA. i aM sAddEr n0w. i rEalli wAnnA g0 sEnt0sA 0utiNg. c0z iT wiLL bE vEry fUn. vBall cAmp iS jUz Vball. hAix~ sAd sAd sAd. hAvE t0 g0 tRainiNg. n0 cH0iCe. nAti0nAls c0miNg. vBall cAmp. n0 pPlE t0 sEe. tHinK s0mE yEar2s didn't wAnt cAmp. tHey sH0ulD hAf sAiD n0. dEn i wUn bE liKe wAd i Am n0w. DreadinG g0inG t0 sEnt0sA~..
tHat dAy wAs hiS birTHdAy. b0uGht pResEnt f0r hiM. aGatHa hElpeD mE witH iT. 0k lAr. g0D blEss hiM.
tMl's sEnt0sA 0UtinG............i wAnnA g0...................i rEalli wAnnA g0.............................rEalli wAnnA wAnnA g0..........................................rEalli wAnnA g00oo0o0o0..............................................................................-_-;Monday, March 07, 2005
Sunday, March 06, 2005
al0t 0f mY friEnds leAvinG tJc lE. sAd mAnx. s0mE didn't eVen b0tHer t0 c0mE t0 sCh f0R tHe wH0lE wEek. aLL r0T aT h0mE. bUt i Am sTayiNg. hAve t0 c0Me t0 sCh eVen if i Dun fEEl liKe. hAix. mY mUm wAn mE t0 g0 t0 0tHer sCh00lS tHaT aRe neArEr. bUt iN thE eNd sUrE iS i wiN dE. i t0lD hEr iF i dUn g0 t0 tHe sCh00l i liKe, i wUn sTudY wEll dE. sHe hAf n0 cH0iCE. hMmMMmm. sEri0uSly it iS rEallY vEry fAr. bUt i dUn miNd la. hAHa. wEdneSdAY hAd frieNdlY wiTh TP. l0sT m0sT 0f iT. but nVm. wE cAn d0 bEttEr neXt tiMe. :P tHuRsDay i rEfuSed t0 g0 f0r cR0ss c0uNtrY tRaininG. i wAtChEd tHem tRain niAx. hAHa. i aM suCh a laZy bUm. fRidAe n0 tRaininG. wAtCh vidE0. dEn wEnt mAc. dEn baCk t0 sCh f0r gAmmA h0usE fuNti0n. g0t bReakdAncinG, hip-h0p. c00l manx. dEn eVerb0dY wAs dAncinG. tHe f00d wAs vEry dElici0uS, tHe beSt paRt 0f tHe wh0lE eVEnt. haHa.
sAturDay traininG. aLL yeAr 1s eXcept f0r liHui. eilEen tHe liVe rAdi0 wAs n0t tHere. cAn u bElieVe h0w qUiet tHe tRainiNg cAn bE??? iMaGinE h0w cAn wE hAvE tRainiNgs witH0uT eilEEn. wEnT sUntEc t0 eAt bAn miAn aFtEr tHat. dEn wAlk aR0uNd aNd h0mE. dinnEr aT h0mE. s0 delici0uS~. bUt i wAs aCtuAlly quiTe fUll dUrinG dinnEr. tHe f00d wAs s0 niCe tHat i cAnn0t c0ntr0l mYself. eAt tiLL bl0aTeD. l0lx.
lAtA hAftA wRitE leTTer t0 mY aNGel aNd m0rTal lE. buZy wiTh tEsts tHeSe fEw dAes. tHuRsdAy cHem SPA teSt. fRidAy eC0ns tEsT wHicH i sUrE fAil De. g0t bAck cHem tEst 0n friDay. g0t 23/24. n0t bAd. sh0Ws tHat i g0t stuDy. hAHa. sTudy hAlFwaY sLeep tHat kinD. bUt tHe tEst iS all cAlculAti0n niAx. s0 n0t vEry haRd. hAhahA.
Sunday, February 27, 2005
yEstErdAy aFtEr fRieNdlY wEnt t0 hAvE kFc dEn wAtCh hiDe aNd seek. vEry niCe sh0W. i w0UlD giVe iT 4/5. wAtCh iT wiTh aGaTha aNd sHe wAs s0 fUnnY. kEep c0vErinG hEr fAcE thr0uGh 0uT tHe sh0W.
i hAd bEen wAitinG f0r tHe 0 rEsulTs tHe wh0lE wEek. FinaLLy c0miNg 0uT tMl lE. h0pE i cAn pAss mY eNgliSh. g0D dAmn i Am s0 w0rRiEd. h0Pe i wUn cRy tmL. 0H mAnx........
Monday, February 14, 2005
tMl g0t cHem tEst. hAvEn sTudY yEt. dia0o~ sHall d0 iT aFtEr tHis. haHa. sAw s0mE niCe t0pS t0dAe bUt didn't hAd en0uGh m0nEy. s0 cAnn0t bUy. s0 sAd. hAHa. gTg sTudY lE. laCk 0F tiMe. slEEpiNg laTe t0niTe aNd slEEp iN leCtuRes tmL. hAHa.
p0n maThs tUt0riAl todAe. tHink nEed leTter. deAd lE. i g0t n0 eXcUsE. ~S0S~~Sunday, February 13, 2005
nExT tUeSdaY g0t cHem tEst. hAvEn lEarn. bUt 1 cHapteR 0nlY. nEvA miNd. tMl dEn rUsH. hAhA. dUn fEel liKe sTudYinG n0w. tHuRsDay g0t phYsics tEst. 1 cHaptEr 0s0. hAvEn leArn 0s0. haHahA. rElaX lA. firSt tHrEe m0ntHs niAx. plAy fiRst. hAHahA. :P
i sTill g0t l0aDs 0F hMwk n0T d0nE. n0t iN tHe m00d t0 d0. fEel liKe sh0ppiNg. tMl mAbBe g0inG 0uT wiTh fRieNds. dUn thiNk tHaT peRs0n wiLL cAre aBt tMl s0 i 0s0 nEvA prEpaRe aNytHinG. f0rgEt iT mAn. hAha.
Saturday, February 12, 2005
fRidAy. sCh wAs s0 tiRinG. n0t iN tHe m00D t0 hAvE leSs0nS. p0n pE wHicH wAs sWimmiNg. i didn't eVen g0 t0 sWimmiNg c0mplEx. haHa. 0s0 luCky tHaT i didn't wEnt t0 sWim. tHe rEst 0f tHe vbAllErs 0s0 neVa juMp int0 wAtEr dE. aLL gaVe laMe eXcuSeS. i hAd bReAkfAst aT the 0pp0sitE maRkeT dEn wEnt t0 sCh slAck. tAp cArd aT aBt 9. mY eXcuSe f0r sWimmiNg iS g0inG t0 bE "i w0kE uP lAtE s0 i wEnt sTraiGht t0 sCh f0r sEc0nD peRi0d." hAhA. clEvEr mE. cLap** hAhaHa. lEss0nS tHe rEst 0f tHe dAy dEn p0n PW wEnt f0r luNch aNd tRainiNg in aFtErn00n. traininG sUx. sH0uldn't haVe g0nE. t00 l0nG neVa plAy. i l0sT t0ucH le. sUx sUx sUx. i sUx aT vBall. aFtEr tRaininG wEnt mR.fUng's h0usE t0 tAke aNgba0. plAnned t0 eAt sTeamb0aT bUt eVeRy0ne wAs laZy t0 c00k s0 0rdEred piZzA. s0mE wAtCh tHe 'sAd' cArt00n wHicH thEy wErE sEeing wh0 will cRy. hAha. i didn't wAtCh c0z i sCaRed i cRy. hahA. n0 lA. i wEnt t0 plaY cArDs dEn aT tHe eNdinG 0f tHe sH0w dEn i g0 in aNd sEe wh0 crY. bUt n0 0nE cRiEd. n0 fUn 0nE. hAHa. aTe pizzA aNd tHe bEEh00n aUntie c00kEd. s0 delici0uS~ 0s0 aTe thE CNY c00kiEs. alm0st finishEd thEm. drAnk j0llY shAndY whiCh i nEva driNk f0r yeArs lE. s0 tAstY~ hAhAhA. dEn s0mE gAmblEd. i Watch tV aLL tHe wAy witH aGatHa, rAchEl, eilEen aNd siTi. wAtChEd finiShEd tHe lAst epis0De 0F 'mY lUcky cHaRm' dEn wEnt h0mE. rEaCh h0mE aT 11 plUs. f0uNd 0uT tHat mY mUm c00k dinnEr. i wAs likE dAmn iT. i wAnT t0 eAt l0rx. bUt sHe leAve tW0 cHickEn winGs f0r mE. s0 nicE. hAha. dr00liNg* hAhahAHa. dEn i bAth eAt aNd slEep. fAttEninG aHx....... sAturDay isH t0dAe. slEEp tiLL 10 plUs. w0kE uP. rEmEmbEr g0t r0aD rUn tRouGh. hAHa. wEnt t0 rUn 8 r0uNds 0f sTadiUm. wEnt h0mE bATh. wEnt 0uT aGain. mEet mY frieNds aT citY hAll. i wAs laTe bY 40 plUs minUtEs. bUt nVm. s0me 0tHErs wErE laTer dEn mE. wEnt sUntEc hAd dinnEr. i hAd fiSh n00dlEs aNd a b0Wl 0f deSsErt. dEn wEnt t0 eSplaNade t0 bUy haaGen.dAzs icE-cReam. wE b0ugHt 5 tUbs witH tHe v0ucHer. g0t 5 difF fLav0urS- mAng0, sTraWbErry, t0ffEe, c00kiEs'n'cRemE, nUt. wE sAt iN a ciRclE wiTh 20 pplE dEn paSs tHe tuBs 0f iCe cReaM aR0uNd. aTe tiLL bl0aTed. tHe maNg0 wAs finiShEd fiRsT. iT wAs tHe m0St wElc0mE 0nE. haHa. waLk t0 tHe mErli0n aNd t00k pH0t0s aNd wEnt h0mE. rEaChEd h0mE aT 10 plUs 11.
jUz n0W 0N tHe wAy t0 eSplaNaDe sAw pplE bReAkdAnciNg in The tunnEl. th0uGht 0f laSt yEaR. HAha. i wAs aCtuAlly lEarniNg bReakdAncinG wiTh bEnjAmiN. lEarn a fEw fReezEs. l0lx. bUt hUrT mY bAck aNd haNd. dEn st0ppEd. s0 n0w sTill hAvinG a wEak bAck. mY bAck will bReAk aNytiMe dE. dUn plAy plAy. haHa. bUt i stiLL quiTe dEv0tEd t0 bReAkdANce leHx. bUt 0nlY wAtCh. mayBe waiT f0r this juNe bA. wHen i gEt bEtter. n0w c0ncEntRatE 0n vBall wHicH i cAnn0t plaY wEll. n0t s0 stR0ng liKe laSt yEar lE. sAd maNx. bUt i will d0 mY beSt. hAhAha.
Thursday, February 10, 2005
yEsteRdAy wAs cHiNeSe nEw yEaR. didN't g0 aNywHeRe. wEnT aH mA's h0uSe 0nlY. pLaY wiTh c0uSins, eAt dinnEr dEn rEaCh h0mE aT aBt 8.45. t00k mY bAg aNd wEnt t0 eSplaNaDe. aCtUallY laZy didN't wAn t0 g0 dE. bUt siNcE mY mUm rEaD mY msG aNd sAid i can g0 dEn i wEnt l0. lucky i wEnt iF n0T i w0ulD hAve miSseD 0ut aLL tHe fUn. g0t dAwN, kAngyA, aDe, jAryl, wEixiAng, eDmuNd aNd h0NgsiAng. wE wEnt eSplAnaDe wAtCh fiRew0rKs. i wAs aBit laTe s0 miSs 0ut tHe firEw0rkS. bUt kAngyA vide0 iT d0wN s0 i wAtch tHe vidE0 wiTh dAwN mAkinG tHe s0uNd eFfEcts. laMe~ hAha. dEn wE wAlkeD t0 clArkE quAy. 0pp0siTe g0t tH0sE sTatuEs aNd wE t00k ph0t0s wiTh tHe sTatuEs. hAha. i huggEd 0nE aNd i cAlleD iT mY huSbaNd. hAhaHa. lAme mE. nVm. 0N tHe wAy wE weRe tEasiNg dAwN aB0uT s0mE0ne dEn sHe wAs aNgRy bUt cAnn0t bE aNgRy mA. n0 ch0iCe puT uP witH uS. dEn laTeR sHe h0lD mY hAnd aNd wE leS^ t0gEtHeR. wAlk aWhilE aNd hAd a dRinK. dAwn wAs ruShinG 0uT 0F timE. hAha. sHe wAs sAyiNg hEr muM wiLL ch0ppEd hEr hEad 0ff. hAHa. i w0nDer diD hEr hEad kEnA cH0ppEd. h0pEfullY yEs. haha. rEaCheD h0mE aT 12 pluS. mY rElatiVes sTill aT mY h0uSe. hAhA. t0dAe's 0utiNg n0t bAd lA. f0uNd 0ne giRlfRieNd. hAhahA. eVerYb0dY bEcaRefUl. laTeR i c0mE aNd lEs^ witH yA. hAHAHahAAAaAaaHA.............
Monday, February 07, 2005
sAtUrdAy. m0rninG c0ulDn't wAke uP. alm0sT laTe f0r tRaininG 0r t0 sAe i wAs juX in timE. i wAs vEry tiRed s0 tRaininG wAs n0t suitable f0r mE tHaT daY.wEnt bEd0k kFc aFtEr tRaininG aNd aTe Al0t t0 maKe uP f0r fRiDaY's sTarVati0n. hAha. dEn wEnt TM's aRcAde witH vBallErs. plAY tHe sTupid gAme wHich hiT mY finGEr. it wAs s0 pain. 0k lArx. mY finGer still cAn m0vE n0w. wAlk ar0unD aT tM, iT wAs winD0w sh0ppinG 0nli. didn't bUy aNythinG. wAlk till vEry tiRed dEn sAt d0wN f0r a drink aNd dEn wEnt h0mE. sh0wEr aNd wEnt 0ut aGain f0r dinnEr. aNd back h0mE t0 slEEp.
sUndAy. i wAnteD t0 d0 mY hmWk. but i w0kE uP laTE. hAd bRunCh. dEn mY fAmilY wAnTs t0 g0 mAlaYsia f0r sh0ppinG. s0 i wEnt al0nG. didn't bUy aNything f0r mYselF bUt b0uGht al0t 0f nEw yeaR g00ds. rEachEd h0mE aT 8 plUs 9. i aTe 1/3 0f tHe piNeapplE tArT tHat wAs b0uGht aNd wEnt t0 slEep. thiNk i gr0wiNg fAttEr lE. h0W?? mUx cUt d0Wn 0n tiDbiTs. bUt vEry haRd t0 c0ntr0l. eSpecially whEn tHe CNY biScuits aRe s0 dElici0uS.
sh0p f0r tW0 dAys in a r0w. m0nDay. rEaliSed i didn't d0 aNy hMwk aT aLL. m0RninG dUn Feel liKe g0iNg t0 sCh. bUt mY muM sAe cAnn0t aNd mY bR0 wAs askiNg mE n0t t0 g0. 0f c0Z i lisTen t0 mY mUm. wEnt sCh. g0t tHrEe lEctuRes. i sLept iN tW0, cHem And ec0ns. cHem i didN't unDeRstand wAd sHe wAs t0kiNg aB0ut s0 i juZ wEnt t0 slEEp. bUt i rEalisEd tHaT tHe cHem leCtuReR l00ks eXaCtlY liKe a c0ckEl spAniEl. i wAs tEllinG mY fRieNd aNd sHe buRst 0uT laUgHing. luCkY tHe lEcTurEr didN't hEar. i am sEri0uS mAnx. hEr cUrly hair aT tHe siDe l00ks liKe tHe spAniEl's eArs aNd hEr fAce is s0 thin aNd l0nG liKe a d0g's. w0OO00~ wAd a "c00l" lEcTurEr. hAhaHa. aFtEr sCh wEnt buGis wiTh cG friEndS t0 sh0p. b0uGht s0meThinG f0r mY aNgEl. 0wE vEry l0nG lE. s0 paiSeh.
i rEalli fEel liKe i Am in tHe l0sT w0rld n0w. i dUn unDerSTand mAths (AP & GP), pHysiC (tHeRmodynAmics), ec0ns ANd cHem. eC0ns wE hAd tHe leCtuRer tHat c0ndUcts lEctuRes in a t0Ne tHat s0uNds aS if sHe is a mAd womAn tHat hAd juz rUn 0uT 0f w00dbRidGe. wHen i liStEn t0 hEr v0iCe i cAnn0t aBs0Rb wAdEva sHe is tAlkinG ab0ut. cHem. tHe c0ckEl spAnieL kEep tAlkinG aB0ut 0RbitalS aNd i dUn eVen uNdErsTand h0w did tH0sE oRbiTals appEar in hEr lEctuRe. i aM rEalli l0sT. nExt wEek g0t cHem aNd physic tEst lE. bUt i dUn tHink iS 0n tH0se t0picS. still hAve tiMe t0 cAtch uP. cAn s0mE0nE tEll mE h0W in tHe hEll wiLL i n0t slEep in lEcturEs?? aNd h0w t0 c0ncEntRaTe??? tMl iS cHinEsE nEw yEar EvE !!!! g0t l0Ts 0f f00d t0 eAt. i Am g0iNg t0 c0mE h0me eArly. tMl 0nlY g0t civiCs anD i cAn bE bAck. sH0uld i g0 bAck t0 mY sEc sCh??. sTill dEciDing.....
Thursday, February 03, 2005
m0nDay wAs vEry tirEd. slEpt tHe wh0lE 0F cHem leCtuRe. didn't uNdErstand wAd tHe tEacHer sAyinG s0 i miGht aS wEll slEep and s0 i sLept. hAHa. dEn tUeSdaY hAd tRainiNG. i plAyeD s0 l0uSy. mY spiKinG suX. mY vBall sKills sUx. dAmn iT!!!! wEdnEsdAy wAs a n0t l0nG n0t sH0rT dAy. c0z i hAd civiCs aNd i l0vE iT al0t c0z i cAn bE wiTh mY CG. cG 31/05 r0X^ mAn.
todAe tHurSdAy. hAtE it. neXt tiMe wAnt siCk mUz bE sick 0n tHurSdAy. eNdEd aT 5.15. wAd a l0nG dAy!! mY sCg dRag 0uR wAy t0 pHysiCs tUtoRial. s0 fUnnY. wE wAlkEd 0ne wh0lE r0uNd t0 tHe clAssR00ms. hAha. blAmE it 0n tHe sCh s0 biG aNd s0 mAny wAys t0 rEach 0nE plAce. dEn b4 cHem wHich wAs tHrEe wh0Le pErioDs, wE wEnT t0 tHe cAntEen aNd int0 tHe b00ksh0p. s0mE b0uGht pipEttes aNd i b0uGht sWeets. tHink tHe tEaCher kn0W aNd sHe wAs quiTe piSsEd 0ff, i tHink. tHe c0lA sWeeT didn'T lAst l0nG. iT wAs 0nlY 0nE peRi0d paSSed aNd i finiShEd it. tHe leSs0n wAs rEalli b0riNg. dEn lAb leSs0n. s0 mA fAn 0nE. tHe s0luti0n muX prEpaRe 0uRselvEs. aFtEr lEss0ns i weNt sTraiGht h0mE.
siAnx~ tMl stiLL g0t ec0nS tEsT. i w0nDer h0W t0 sTudy. d0 i mEm0risEd??. dUn tHink i Can mEm0RisEd s0 muCh iN 0ne niTe. dUn fEel likE stUdYinG f0r eC0nS lE. cAn s0mE0nE hElp mE???
Saturday, January 29, 2005
t0dAe supp0Sed t0 sTuDy f0r maThs tEst bUt i slAck wh0lE dAy. wEnt d0wN t0 shop. nTh muCh la. jUz wAlk hErE aNd dEre. dEcideD t0 bUy nEw aNklE s0cKs f0r mYselF s0 b0ugHt tw0 paiRs. wEnt f0r briGht c0l0rs, liMe gReen aNd yEll0w. b0ugHt 0ne sh0rTs aT tHe pAsA mAlaM. $6 onli s0 i b0ugHt iT.
tMl iS sUrf aNd sWeAtz. h0pE i cAn sWeaT al0t tHeRe. Sweat 0ut aLL mY fAts. 0wN zHuAnzhEn aNd rAchel a dRink. hAha. tHey aRe s0 niCe ppLe. l0lx. kEna buLLy bY me, mAde tHem pEi mE waLk t0 sp0rTs c0mplEx. dUn miNd tReatiNg tHem lA. haha. mUz tReAt eilEen 0s0. eVerytiMe acc0mpAny mE t0 bAck gAte aFtEr tRng.
tmL mUz wAke uP vEry eArly. t0niTe mUz slEEp vEry lAte c0z 0f mAths tEst. rEgRet slEepinG iN leCtUrEs mAnx. iF n0t i n0 nEEd sTudY t0niTe. bUt sEri0usly i cAn't hElp iT. tHe leCtUreR liKe cHantiNg s0mE buddha sCripTs liddAt. hMm. h0pE i wUn bE laTe tml. wAstEd al0t 0f tiMe t0dAe. stiLL g0t ec0ns eSSay t0 write. i still dUn0 h0w t0 wriTe aFtEr tHe tEachEr tAughT us.
i wEaring sleEvelEss aNd fBt tml. abiT weiRd. bUt it is moRe c0mf0rtaBle. tHink i g0 tHeRe dEn cHange. mR cHew 0s0 g0ing. hAha. miSS hiS c0aChing. i dUn mEan mR fuNg's c0aChinG n0t niCe bUt eAch hAs iTs 0wN fUn p0iNt lA. hAha.
tHiS weEk s0 b0riNG dE. 0nli haNg0ut 0n m0nDay aNd tUeS. s0 sAw hiM 0nlI tWice diReCtly. bUt still g0t sEe hIm iN s0mE leCtUreS la. MmmMmMmmMMmMm......................................
Sunday, January 23, 2005
fridAe tRng dEn wEnt sEasiDe wiTh fAmilY. meAniNg i hAd bEen lazinG f0r tWo dAys. tHis m0rninG dEn rEaliSe g0t hMwk. cAnt finiSh c0z i dUn eVen uNdErsTand m0St 0f tHe qUesti0ns, eSpeciAlly ec0nS. hAd bEen sleePinG iN leCtUres. dEad lE. diD cHemiStrY dEn sTudy eC0ns tiLL i fEll asLeep c0z i wAs lYinG 0n tHe bEd. dEn d0 mAths f0R 1 h0uR pluS, diD 0nlY 2 pAtHetiC quEsti0ns. stiLL g0t eC0ns paGe 1 to 4 aNd i dUnn0 h0w t0 d0. sHall lEavE tHe ec0ns tUt0Rial b00k tHeRe t0 r0t.
jUz n0w dinnEr dEn sh0p. b0uGht 1 skiRt aNd 1 t-sHirt. tHe piCtUre 0n tHe sHiRt is s00oo0o cUte. cAnn0t taHaN S0 bouGht iT, only $11. woRth iT. hMmm.
i diD hAve lUnCh wiTh hiM aNd diD hmWk t0gEtHer. bUt didn't t0k mUch. sAd h0Rx?. tHe rEst 0f tHe ppLe wEre s0 fAnx. :)
wAnt t0 kn0w tHe rEst 0f tHe tHingS tHaT i diD in tHe paSt wEeks??? c0mE finD mE, i tEll u. haha.Monday, January 10, 2005
s0 b0RinG~ sUddEnlY fEel s0 rEstlEss. wAd iS liFe aLL aB0uT?? sTudYiNG?? plAyiNG vBaLL?? g0ssipiNg?? l0VinG?? sh0ppiNg?? i fElT s0 uSelEss, eVen a luMp 0f sHit hAs itS uSes wHich iS t0 pr0vidE nuTrieNtS t0 plAntx. i aM n0t eVen 0nE luMp oF sHiT. struGgliNg t0 sUrviVe iN tHis w0rLd is s0 tiRing. tHis tYpe 0f liFe sUx. iF 0nlY i hAd a ch0iCe, i w0ulD prEfEr nEvA t0 bE b0Rn int0 tHis sTressFul w0rLd. siGh!!
Sunday, January 09, 2005
fiRsT dAy wAs dRy gAmes. sEc0nD dAy aMaziNg rAce aNd 0G 15 g0t tHe m0St p0iNts. tHirD dAy wAs wEt gAmes. ovErall tHe gAmes aRe fUn. i l0Ve tHe mAss dAnce mAnx. s0 c00l. sAw tHe 0GLs dAncinG s0 seXy. hAha. leArn s0mE 0f tHe dAnce bUt cAn't clEarly rEmembEr tHe sTepS lE. f0UrtH dAy hAd leCtuRes aNd dEn hAng 0uT witH mY clAss aNd dEn v0lleYbAll trNg. fridAy wAs tHe lAst daYs 0f 0riEntAti0n. tHe niTe wAs s0 muCh 0f sCrEaMinG aNd yElliNg. n0w mY eArs aNd thRoaT abiT sp0il lE. sAt hAd tRng aGain. t0dAe wEnt t0 l00k f0r nEw spEctAclEs, muX wAit till wEd dEn iTs d0nE. n0W cAnn0t d0 wiTh0uT mY spEcts lE. tHe leCtuRes all iN tHe LTs, siT aT tHe bAck sUrE cAnn0t sEe dE. hMm.
i aM s0 tiRed aNd siCk!!!!! mUscLe aChE. bAck aChE. kNee pAin. lEg paIn. c0uGh. sTuck n0Se.
Sunday, January 02, 2005
n0w leFt mE aT h0mE. hMm. tHe rEst 0f tHe fAmilY wEnt d0wnsTairs t0 bUy 4D, t0t0, wAlk waLk. mY bRuNcH todAe wAs cUrrY cHickEn witH riCe. mY gRandma(mY mum's mAma) c00k de. s0 delici0uS aNd i aTe till s0 fUll. f0rg0t i nEeda jiAn fEi. hAha. i aM bl0ggiNg, wAtchinG tV aNd listeninG t0 musiC n0w. hmM. lU0 zHi xianG's nEw albUm--<
h0pE tMl w0ulD bE a niCe daY mAnx. All tHe bEst t0 tHe rEst !!!
Saturday, January 01, 2005
tHe m0mEnT sHe 0pEn hEr pResEnts i fElt tHaT shE iS sUch a luCky giRl, rEcEivEd s0 maNy pReSents 0n biRtHdAy. hMm. hEr litTle siStEr wAs als0 vEry cUtE, slEep likE a l0g dE. juSt n0w rEaCh h0mE tiLL n0w i finiShEd baThinG le, n0 0nE aT h0mE. i aM al0nE..........s0 sAd siAx.
i hAvEn rEceiVed cAll fr0m tJc yEt. dunN0 whiCh gR0up lEhx. cHaR, iSa aNd eUn all n0E lE, lEfT cHeR aNd mE. h0pEfUlly tMl m0rniNg wiLL n0E, iF n0t wAd aM i sUpp0Se t0 d0??? Can s0mE 0nE tEaCh me???? s0 w0rriEd. haix. sHall g0 rEsT lE. i aM sUch a l0nEly pErs0n. aM i A l0nER????????