Saturday, June 11, 2005

hAd tRaininG 0n wEd anD fRi...l0st t0uCh lE...plAyeD bAdly...

wEd g0t 3 nEw girlS wh0 cAme f0r vBall tRial.tHe pasiR riS 0nE wAs g00d.hMMmmm...tHiNk sHe plAyEd bEttEr dEn me.yEar2s wEnt t0 plaY 0s0..s0 l0ng neVa plaY wiTh tHem lE..fElt s0 g00d..hAd lUnch Den h0mE t0 sLack.n0 0nE wAs aT h0mE till abt miDnigHt.hAd mY 0wN dinNer.siAn~....

tHurs....m0rning wEnt sCh00l f0r ec0ns whiCh i dUn uNdErsTand a w0rD sHe sAe.jUz c0py aNd c0pY tHe AnsweRs.dEn pW mEeting wHich wAs liKe 15 miNs?? dEn very b0rEd aNd wAs feEliNg l0W aFtEr wAd hAppeNed tHe niTe bEf0re.didn'T fEel liKe g0iNg h0Me s0 eArlY...wEnt bEd0k liBraRy t0 slAck.did nEwspApEr aRticlE, rEad s0me b00ks aNd c00kiNg b00ks.qUite iNtEreSting.b0rr0WeD 2 b00ks aNd went h0me.rEaCheD h0me wHicH wAs eMptY exCept f0r mY br0tHer wH0 wAs sLeepiNg.wAtCh tV till niTe.hAd dinnEr wiTh mY br0tHer.wEnt f0r a dRink.hMMm....bArcArdi.s0 l0ng neVa dRink lE.fElt s0 niCe aFteR tHe driNk.wAs mSgiNg zZ aT tHat tiMe.tH0uGh i dRaNk bUt i tHink sHe sLept 0ff eArlieR dEn mE...hEEx...

fRi g0t 2 nAs aNd 2 pAsiR riS de.3 0f tHem wEre g00d.i wAs plAyiNg dRuNkeN vBall aFtEr laSt nitE's dRink....fElt s0 slEEpy.lUckY eilEEn wAs tHere.sHe wAs mAkiNg a l0t 0f n0isE wHicH eNc0urAgEd mE t0 sH0ut dUring tHe gAme.hAd a fEw niCe gAmes.aFter tRaininG hAd luNch opP0siTe sCh dEn g0 h0mE lE.eVeryb0dY liKe vEry bUsy liDdAt.d0Txx.......wEnt h0mE.ntH t0 d0.dEcidEd t0 hElp mY mUm m0p fl00r.mSging zZ aGain till 12 plUs.i d0zEd 0ff.w0kE uP sUddeNly aNd rEply hEr.aFtEr a wHile n0 rEply fr0m hEr....gUeSs shE slEEp lE.i wEnt t0 slEep 0s0....

t0dAe.slAck aT h0mE.i wAs in fr0nT 0f tHe tV tHe wh0lE dAy wiTh pHysiCs KinEmatics n0tEs iN fr0nT 0f mE....0nlY t0ucHeD 3 oR 4 paGes.paThetic...i sTill g0t eNgliSh c0mp0 haVen d0.neeD hAnd in bY 14th jUne....i think..and t0daE isH.....11th juNe!!!! hElp......i wAn t0 wRitE bUt tHe pr0blEm iS i dUn0 h0w t0 sTaRt a comp0.....hAix..

we were stranger, starting out on a journey.
never dreaming, what we'd have to go through.
now here we are, i'm suddenly standing...
at the..beginning with you.
no one told me, i was going to find you.
unexpected...what u did to my heart.
when I lost were there to remind me.
this is the start.....
& life is a road, i wanna keep goin'
love is a river, i wanna keep flowing.
life is a road, now&foreva, wonderful journey.
i'll be there, when the world stops turning...
i'll be there, when the storm is through
in the end, i want to be standing
at the beginning with you.

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