Sunday, February 13, 2005

wEnT tEmplE t0dAe. s0 sm0kY aNd i haTe iT t0tAlly. maBbE i shlD g0 cHurCh. hAHa. cHangE mY rEligi0n. n0 lA. jUz kiDdinG'. aT niTe wEnt t0 visiT mY aUntiE. mY litTle c0usiN vEry cuTe. sHe pRi.3 tis yEaR. tEach hEr d0 Hmwk dEn liStEn t0 c0nvErSati0ns aNd bAck h0mE. qUitE siaNx. tMl g0t sCh. siGh~

nExT tUeSdaY g0t cHem tEst. hAvEn lEarn. bUt 1 cHapteR 0nlY. nEvA miNd. tMl dEn rUsH. hAhA. dUn fEel liKe sTudYinG n0w. tHuRsDay g0t phYsics tEst. 1 cHaptEr 0s0. hAvEn leArn 0s0. haHahA. rElaX lA. firSt tHrEe m0ntHs niAx. plAy fiRst. hAHahA. :P

i sTill g0t l0aDs 0F hMwk n0T d0nE. n0t iN tHe m00d t0 d0. fEel liKe sh0ppiNg. tMl mAbBe g0inG 0uT wiTh fRieNds. dUn thiNk tHaT peRs0n wiLL cAre aBt tMl s0 i 0s0 nEvA prEpaRe aNytHinG. f0rgEt iT mAn. hAha.

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