cHriStmAs eVe wEnt fiShiNg wiTh mY bR0 aNd hiS gAlfRieNd. aCtuAlly pLan t0 g0 ECP dE. bUt t00 mAny pPLe, s0 eNdEd uP aT mAriNa s0uTh. c0Ol aHx..fiShiNG f0r cHriStmAs eVe, cAugHt tHrEe fiSh niAx. nTh mUch. cHriStmAs eVe n0 dRinkiNg, s0 b0riNg. i wAs aCtuAlly cRaviNg f0r bacArdi wHen fiShiNg. bUt dUn hAve, iN tHe eNd dRank pEpsi. diAox~
fiSh tiLL cHriStmAS aFtErn00n dEn rEacH h0mE. bAtHe lE dEn c0ulDn't gEt t0 slEep c0z eVeniNg g0t pArTy aT cHaR's NEW h0uSe. iMaGiNe a pErs0n spEnd hiS tiMe sLeepiNg 0N cHriStmAs dAy. s0Tx aRhz~. s0 wEnt cHar's h0uSe paRtY. tHe f00d wAs niCe, eSpEciAlly tHe p0rK. eAt tilL bl0AtEd. hEr h0uSe wAs biG aNd spAciouS wiTh l0tx 0f tHinGs t0 pLay. g0t p00l, vEry c00l. bEsiDe p00l tAblE g0t 0nE bAr bUt dUn tHiNk cAn dRink lA. hAha. hEr paReNts Was tHeRe. aGathA, iSabEllA aNd cHeRmaInE wAs tHeRe aNd 0s0 s0mE 0f cHaR's fRieNds. wE plAy p00l aNd mAhj0nG. vEry fUn. tHank y0u cHaRlEne!!
t0Dae w0kE up aT aBt 10. fEed tHe d0g wHiCh i dUno wHy eVeRytiMe rEfuSed t0 eAt. rEad lAsT fRidAy's nEwspAper, b0Th cHinEse And enGliSh. i Am mAd. wEnt bAcK f0r aN0tHeR nAp tiLl 1pm. w0nDeriNg wHy i juZ sUdDenlY rEmeMbEr rAchEl sAyiNg tHaT sHe bRuShes hEr tEeTh aFtEr nAps. s0 fUnny. wEll, mAyBe thAts wHy hEr tEeTh aRe s0 wHitE. haHa. dEn i hAd mY bRunCh wHicH wAs p0rriDgE. g0t tHiS cAnnEd mAckErel, vEry niCe, eSpeCiallY tHe cHilli gRavy. cAme 0nliNe, WantEd t0 bl0g bUt lAzy dEciDed t0 d0 iT laTer. wEnt libRaRy rEtuRn b00kS aNd b0rR0weD A b00k aFtEr tHaT. f0Rg0T tHe tiTtle, iTs aB0uT muRdEr. g0iNg t0 sTaRt 0n tHaT b00k aFtEr tHis. cAme h0me aNd wAtCh tV. dinNer. wAtcHeD cHaRitY sh0W. vEry b0RiNg eXcEpt tHAt s0mE hAnDs0mE guYs iS aVailAblE f0r viEw. tRiEd t0 uSed mY sp0ilT c0mpuTer, iT g0t hAng tHrEe tiMes. fEd uP wiTh iT s0 i 0ff iT aNd uSe mY br0's c0m. mY bR0 juZ wEnt 0ut. sEnd hiS gaLfriEnd h0me. hahA.
i aM s0 b0Red.
i waNt t0 g0 0uT.
i wAnt t0 chAngE hP.
i wanT a nEw bAg.
i wAnt bacArdi n0w.
i wanT mY c0m fixEd.
i wAnt t0 rEad hArrY p0ttEr b00k 6. wHen will iT bE 0uT??
i waNt t0 jiAn fEi. lAtEr ovErweiGhT.
i wAnT al0t 0f tHinGs. bUt cAn't hAVe iT. s0 sAd.
eVeRyb0Dy tRieS nEw tHings. tiS h0lidAy i tRieD s0mE neW alc0h0l. haha. vEn0M aNd l0nG iSlaNd. vEn0M tAsTes s0 yUckY. l0nG iSlaNd iSh n0t bAd bUT t00 sWeEt le. sTill bacArdi pEach aNd liMe niCe. aNd wiNe 0s0 n0t bAd. sCh00l rEopEns nExT m0ndAy. n0t rEaDy f0r iT yEt. aNd i hAtE 0rieNtati0n, neEda rEpeAt mY nAmes l0ts 0f tiMes. h0pE fiRst dAy 0f sCh00l n0 tRaininG mAnx. pLan t0 g0 runNinG tmL m0rNing. h0pE i cAn wAkE up. haha. i mUz eXeRciSe m0Re, eAt lEss. dEn cAn jiAn fEi, gEt riD 0f fAts. eilEen aSkinG mE wHeThEr i wAnt joiN vErtiCal maRath0n. hMm..i aM still c0nSidErinG.
lAstlY f0r tHe niTe...he iS g0inG tJc. g0inG t0 sTaRt 0n mE b00k dEn dReamlAnd 0f hiM. hahA. niTe. tAta~!!
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