Saturday, decided not to be lazy. Woke up and went sentosa with the volleyball peeps. I was late for half hour which I would claim that I am early as compared to how late MAE peeps normally could be. HAHAHA... It drizzled intially and we played asshole daidee, until I juz became the asshole, the rain decided to stop. How lucky man!! No courts was available, so we juz played without court until lihui's friend lend us their court. We played one match and I seriously lost touch with the courts simply after 4 months, played like shit.

Monday was supposed to be little india trip, to visit my ah bangs. But i had tt thing so I missed the chance of seeing my ah bangs.WAHAHAHA...
Tuesday I was forced to go causeway point for dinner with mao and SH. KY and CC pangseh us. End up playing arcade again after dinner. And I got high score for one game lor, but the screen show once only, so couldnt take the photo.
Wednesday was shopping in the afternoon with those bunch of lazy pigs and Seoul Garden at night! Long time since I touch seoul, those marinated chicken. I prefered the charsiew one. Jeremy came late for dinner, and he actually went in without paying and no one noticed. In the end, we paid 6 pax for 7 pax. HAHAHA...feel so cheapo...but it was fun!!
this was my dessert...

KY eyeing cecilia's chicken...

The two guys...SH and jeremy...

CC and HS...eating so happily...

Left out MX in the photos...cause he was on my right and the rest was on my left or opposite me...Plus I left out myself in the photos also, becoz I was buzy taking photos or rather eating la...heex..
After seoul garden, thursday was exercise day. Played badminton at Yishun sports hall, so convenient for me lah. Then me and HS walked from katib to northpoint in the heavy rain. Met up with SH and KY for movie. Anyhow choose one movie, its called I LOVE YOU, MAN. End up, the movie was nice lor.
Anyway, i cant believe its really fated that me and my cousin will meet each other de lor. I saw her while deciding wad movie to watch. Then, saw her in the same cinema as me. And then again, she sat juz next to me and my friends' seats.
After movie, Mao joined in for dinner at the jap foodcourt at northpoint. She really dun mind gg down to yishun juz for tt jap food. Really too free...haha..
Their IA gg to start soon. I guess we can only meet up for dinner. Left me and HS, and she has got work!!!! OMG...I am the only one who is gg to be so to slack until sch start.. OR pple reading this, U can try asking me out. HOHOHOHOHO!!!!