A' levels is over for me. Its gonna be history and precious memories in my JC life shall stay forever. To browse through my studying process....
It all started with this unavailable square table in my bedroom......top left hand corner is Physics, top right hand corner is GP, bottom left hand corner are the pass year papers, bottom right hand corner is Chemistry, at the centre is Maths....the rest are just the overflowing of the notes and some undone hmwk before prelims.....I took quite sometime before prelims to decide which corner to put which subject coz I was afraid the table would topple over...and then right at the front is a photo with my PW group members.....

In order to understand food chemistry, I cooked dinner thrice before A's.......

the 1st dinner...

2nd dinner...didn't take photo of the third coz it was a big black pot of chicken with carrots and potato and a plate of cabbage....I cooked them by myself..surprised???...I actually know how to cook...hmmm...

Next is to understand Physics, and how terminal velocity is achieved...I was so bored that I decided to find a new studying spot at home...and it was this kitchen table above..I was lying on it studying and I fell asleep. On waking up, I couldn't remember where I was and I turned my body ending up experiencing projectile motion and then flat on the floor. Ouch...pain one k? Actually it wasn't the first time, last year during promos I fell once from this table already....Ehem~ -_-"
And to learn Maths....I drew all types of diagrams to understand it...below is my nickname...heh~heh.
Vectors which I still don't understand till now...but who cares...its over:P
Stats....that's an irony....remember: never believe what I say...
And last but not least of coz...maths makes me mad..in other words crazy....too much crap in my Maths notes...therefore I am not giving it to any juniors...and I don't think anyone wants them too...
Finally...after studying for 18-3=15 years (coz I started kindergarten at 4),
I am spared!!!!!