dUriNg o'S ntH muCh t0 sAy dE...sTuDy stUdy aNd stuDy...oH...i rEmEmbEr...aFtEr aMathS paPeR 1 i WeNt t0 joHorE tiLL miDniTe...l0lx...mY dAd sAy neXt dAy n0 eXam nVm...s0 i wEnt...aNd tHe lAst wEek 0f eXams mY h0usE nExt d00r g0t rEn0vAti0n...bUt nTh spEciaL la...a liTtle moRe noiSe niAz...bUt i sTill sTay aT h0mE t0 stUdy lA...tHouGh mY mUm keeP uRginG mE t0 g0 liBraRy...siAnx ahX..liBraRy...tHe aiR-c0n s0 c0ld...aNd tHe aTm0sphEre ahx...wiThin 5 minuTes i neeD visit thE toilEt to do bIg buSineSs liAo...
aFtEr 0's g0t chAleT...a little bIt siAnx...aLL tHey diD iS onLy gAmblE...i MeAn plAyiNg mAhj0nG anD bRiDgE...diAox...fiRst dAy stiLL oK lAhx...eVerYb0Dy miX t0gEthEr...sEconD dAy 0nWarDs eVerY b0lia0...aLL tHe ppLe wEnt iNt0 gr0upS...aS iF dUn0 0nE an0tHeR liddAt...s0 b0RinG...luCky sEc0nD dAy g0t g0 sCh...i WenT vBall tRainiNg dEn g0 eAt luNcH wiTh cHaR iSa vAn anD mR cHew...lAteR g0 plAy bAdmint0n...iT wAs vEry fUn buT 0f c0z vErY tiRed laHx...aT niTe wEnt bAck cHaleT...wAh vEry niCe t0 slEep lEhx...
tHiRd dAy 0f ChAleT iS tHe w0Rse mAnx...m0RninG wAs fiNe...m0sT 0f tHem sLeepinG...mE xiA0hAn liYi jiNqUan h0nSiaNg hEnRy...wE plAyEd soccEr aT tHe beAch v0lleYbaLL couRt...vEry tiRed...rUnniNg 0n tHe sAnd cHasing a ball...a biT sia0...wE giRls m0sTly iS kick sAnd dE...tHink i kiCkeD s0mE sAnd aNd iT wEnt inT0 hEnrY's mouTh..haHa...i n0t bAd la...lAst minUte sc0rEd 0nE g0al...buT is tHat kiNd 0f f0rCed iN dE..l0lx...
wE aCtuAlly plAnnEd t0 g0 pAsiR riS, pulAu ubin 0r wilD wiLd wEt dE....buT aftEr luNcH wHiCh wAs a mEal oF mAggi mEE tHey aLL wAtCh vCd inSteAd...wAh s0 siAnx...i wAtCh tiLL i alm0sT fEll asleEp...dEn i wEnt 0utsiDe...sAw yEwb00n kaizha0 h0nsiaNg 0utsiDe...wEnt t0 j0in tHem...tHey wEre eNj0yinG tHe sEa bReezE...iT wAs inDeeD beTtEr dEn wAtChinG vCd ind00rs...dEn aFtEr awHile wE g0t fRustRatEd...t0T 0f plAyinG soccEr...dEn i wEnt t0 tAke tHe baLL...bUt iN tHe eNd wE tRieD t0 pluck c0c0nut...wE uSe tHe bAll aNd r0cKs t0 tRy t0 hIt thE c0c0nuT d0wn...0F c0z iT didn't w0rK laHx...dEn wE tRiEd climbinG...i 0nlY maNagEd t0 haNg tHeRe...cAnn0t proceeD...s0 muX jump d0Wn...cAnn0t blAme lA...if onLy i Was tEn yEaRs y0unGer...haha...rEmEmbEr wHEn i wAs y0uNg i aLwAys climB hErE aNd tHeRe dE...i wAs 0nCe tHe moNkEy bAr quEen...n0W cAnn0t lE la...suRe fAll dE...l0lx..oh yA...bAck t0 cHaleT...n0b0dY manAge t0 gEt aNy c0c0nUts n0w...bUt s0mE r0cKs aNd tHe baLL g0t sTucK iN tHe tRee...wE g0t tHem d0Wn lE dEn tHink tHe rEst finiSh wAtchiNg vCd aNd tHeY cAme d0Wn t0 tHe bEach...
aT niTe wEnT tAmpiNes t0 eAt...dEn g0 arCadE...m0sT 0f tHewm duN wAn t0 plAy s0 aFtEr aWhile We lEft...dEn hEnrY wAs kiCkiNg tHis ChrisTmaS dEcorAtion wHiCh iS s0rT 0f a bAll...hE aiM iT aNd kickEd iT iNt0 a p0t aL0nG tHe wAy...dEn tHiS seCuRitY gUard cAme aNd aCcuSed hiM oF plucKinG 0ut ThE baLL fr0m tHe dEc0Rati0n...hEnRy wAs s0 sTeAdy...i mEan tHe wAy hE ansWer tHe sEcuRitY gUaRd aNd quEsti0n hIm baCk...woAh...s0 c00l..hAha..aCtuAlly wAnTed t0 g0 plAy p00l buT f0und 0ut tHat iT wAs cl0sEd..s0 eVeRyb0Dy wEnt bAck cHalEt aNd plAy mAhjonG aNd bRidGe aGain...siAnx...iDidn't wAnt t0 slEep s0 pLay ovErniTe witH0ut slEEpinG...lAst dAy lE mAh..dUn wAn t0 wAstE it..haha...tH0uGh vEry b0liA0 bUt i sTill plAy lA...
nExt dAy 10 o'cloCk chEck 0ut...s0 eArly..haHa...i nEva sLeeP aT aLL...s0 tiRed...bUt wE sTill t00k ph0t0s...dEn leFt lE l0rX...wEnT mAc eAt dEn g0 kZ's h0use..play s0mem0Re...bUt m0sT 0f tHe b0yS aslEep lE...hAha...i wEnt h0mE wiTh hB liyi anD xH...wE werE tHe firSt t0 leaVe...i vErY siAnx liA0...cAn't eVen c0ncEntraTed 0n wAd i playing...dEn kEep l0sinG..miGht aS well g0 h0mE aNd sLeep...s0 liddAt l0rx...aT h0mE slEpt tHrouGh tHe whole dAy eXcept f0r dinnEr...
nExT dAy sAtuRdAy...rEaD mY hArrY p0ttEr...n0W 0n b00k 5 lE...vEry fAst...tiMe fliEs....eVeniNg paCk tHinGs aNd wEnt fishing ovErniTe...didn't cAughT aNy fiSh buT cauGht 9 cRabs...vEry tiRed aGain..haHa...sUnDaY slEep aGain...
m0ndAy plAn t0 fiNd j0b...bUt w0rK f0r 1 monTh niAx...vEry hArd t0 finD...wEnt tHe ajisEn rEstauRant bUt tHeY dun wAn...iTs tHeiR diSaDvaNtaGe...hmmMmm...l0lx...iN tHe eNd mY fRieNd lEehUi aNd i wEnt aRounD siNgAp0rE aNd aNyh0w wAlk...liKe tWo mAd peRs0n liDdAt...hAhA...
t0Day...hAhAhA...bEsT mAnx...hEaRd tHaT tMl cAn g0 tJc plAy vbAll...dEn tHe bEst tHinG i cAn d0 wH0le dAy...iS t0 plAy c0mpUtEr gAme...hAhA...i plAyEd mAplE sT0Ry tHe wh0lE aFtErn00n uNtil dinnEr...dEn n0W bl0ggiNg...hAha...fouNd 0ut tHaT mY viSi0n QuitE bluR lE..sHit mAnx...g0iNg t0 uSe c0nTact lEns s00n i tHink..buT i lazy dE...think if play vbAll cAn sEE cAn lE...hAHa...
hMmmMm...n0W i rEallY wAnT t0 g0 tJc...siNcE i hEaRd fr0m aGatHa tHaT hE ch0sE tJc aS firSt ch0icE..hE sUrE gEt iN dE...hiS mArks vErY g00d...h0pE cAn sTudY sAme sCh sAme clAss..bUt fAt h0pe...l0lx...i dUn eVen kn0e iF i cAn gEt in...dUriNg cHalEt hE g0t sTay 0vErnitE lEhx!!!....he slEep tHat tiMe vEry cuTe dE...hMmmmm...quiTe sAddEninG lA..espeCialLy tHe lAst dAy...hAving t0 lEave eAch 0thEr...l0lx...wE didnt tAlk much...bUt i tHink hE is tRyinG t0 av0iD me l0rx...hAix...s0 sAd h0rx...bUt hE s0mEtimEs g0t sMile t0 mE...hEex...nVm la...i 0s0 kn0e thE pr0babilitY 0f t0gEthEr is vEry sMall...wH0 kn0Es...maybE i cAn finD s0mE0ne beTteR...bUt n0W i think hE iS tHe bEst...t0Day aCtuAlly g0t hEnrY's fArEwEll luNch dE...i kn0E hE will bE tHeRe...bUt dun0 wHy..i juX dUn fEel likE l00kinG aT hiM...s0 i nEva g0...tMl henrY's lEaviNg..i g0t vBall s0 n0t g0ing lE...s0rrY hEnrY...i tHink he unDerStands lA...hE kn0Es iT all alReady...bUt tHe 0nE tHaT i l0vE doEsn't uNdErStanD...s0bx............cAn s0mE0nE tEll mE h0W?????