Friday, April 23, 2004

The most destructive habit.....Worry

The greatest Joy.....Giving

The greatest loss.....Loss of self-respect

The most satisfying work.....Helping others

The ugliest personality trait.....Selfishness

The most endangered species.....Dedicated leaders

Our greatest natural resource.....Our youth

The greatest "shot in the arm".....Encouragement

The greatest problem to overcome.....Fear

The most effective sleeping pill.....Peace of mind

The most crippling failure disease.....Excuses

The most powerful force in life.....Love

The most dangerous pariah.....A gossiper

The world's most incredible computer.....The brain

The worst thing to be without.....Hope

The deadliest weapon.....The tongue

The two most power-filled words....."I Can"

The greatest asset.....Faith

The most worthless emotion.....Self-pity

The most beautiful attire.....SMILE!

The most prized possession.....Integrity

The most powerful channel of communication.....Prayer

The most contagious spirit.....Enthusiasm


Tuesday, April 13, 2004

wEll...f0r todaE's match aGainSt xiNmiN...wE losT...n0t 0nLi hiStorY rePeaTed itSelF...i hAd eXpeCteD iT b4 tHe matCh aS mY dReaM aLwAeS caMe tHe 0pp0siTe...i dReamT lAst niTe tT wE w0n...aNd wE l0sT t0daE...nEvA haD suCh a DreAm fr0m eAsT z0nE tiLL n0w...tHiS iS tHe fiRst tiMe...i wAs teLLinG vAneSsA in tHe m0rniNg aBt tHe dReam...juX aS wAd i pRediCtEd...i heLd bAck mY tEaRs wHen wE l0st...& iT fl0W bAck int0 mY heArT...mY hEaRt fElt s0 c0lD suddEnly...iT iS juZ a kiNd 0f fEElinG tt iS veRy haRd t0 eXplaiN...i fEEl s0 heLplEss aNd gUilTy...iF 0nli i diD n0t spIkE 2 0r 3 0ut baLLx...iF 0nli i diD n0t sTaRe aT tHe bAll...wE c0uld hAf w0n...i aM rEalli vEry s0rrY...i ap0l0giSed t0 tHe vBall tEam...i hAtE mysElF n0w f0r tt drEam lAst niTe & f0r wAd i dId...dUn n0e wAd t0 d0 n0w bUt 0nLi t0 sAe s0rrY...

Sunday, April 11, 2004

lAst wEEk wAs mY uNluCky wEEk...eVerYthinG weNt wr0nG...m0NdaY misSeD phY rEmeDial coZ 0f c0mpEtiti0n...tUeSdaY wAntEd t0 g0 homE t0 studY riTe afTer sCh00l...buT iT rAinEd aNd ruIneD eVerYthIng...wEdnEsdAy 0uR clAss wAs t00 tiRed aFteR tHe sEmi-fInalS f0r s0ccer...dEn n0 strenGth f0r fiNalS aNd wE l0St aNd g0t sEc0nd...i wAtcHeD tHe s0ccEr maTch dEn wEnT h0mE neVa manAgeD t0 finishEd studyiNg f0r phY aNd chI teSt wHiCh iS 0n tHe f0ll0wiNg dAy...dEn 0n tHurSdaY tHe phY aNd chI tEst wAs likE hEll t0 me...cHi tEst g0t 3 zAo jU i 0nli dId 1...spRaiNeD mY thUmb lAtEr dUrinG tRainiNg...aT niTe accIdeNtallY cUt mY liTTle fInGeR...bl00dy hEll...tHe bl00D `dRiP`dRip`dRiP` iNt0 tHe siNk...fRi sTayEd aT h0mE aNd finIsHed all mY h0mEw0rK (i s0 gUai^)...sAt aFtEr tRainIng wEnt shoppinG wiF c b0yS anD b gAlX t0 bUY prEsEnt f0r j0sHeen...i nEva bUy lAhz...g0 f0r fUn 0nli...wAntiNg wAs likE s0 siAnz...tHe yB kEEp rUnniNg aWaY...aFteR buYiNg dEn cHaR`aGa`cHer wEnt 0ff...eUn`yX t00k taXi...bElx`yB`mE taKe mRt...mE anD yB s0 stuPid...sTanD tHerE aNd t0k t0 belx tiLL hEr tRaiN c0mE dEn rEaliSed wE aT tHe wr0nG leVel...iN tHe eNd wE t00k tHe tRaiN t0 rAfflEs plAcE dEn cHanGed tRain l0hx...hE wAs sleePiNg s0 s0uNdlY 0n tHe tRain...hIs hEad kEEp dr0ppiNg d0wN...iNtErrupT mY dReaMx...wE wEnT d0Wn aT t0A pAy0h...dEn hE sAe hE wAs g0inG t0 d0 proJeCt...l0lx...hE s0 tiRed...h0w t0 do...haHa...nTh mUcH lEx...t0DaE slAck tHe wh0Le dAy...tHiS wh0lE wEEk tHe oNlI niCe tHinG iS tt wE w0n sHuqUn...c0miNg tUeSdaY plAyinG aGainSt oUr eNemY`xInMiN...h0Pe wE wiN...i dUn hAf muCh c0nFidEnCe laHx...bUt wiLL sTiLL tRy mY bEst...mE haNd vErY tiRed lEz...tHe tHumB vErY sUan lEz...mUx rEsT...hAhA...jiU dAo cI yI y0u...